Middle Fork Payette River

Slope stability calculated with the old cohesionless model.

Slope stability calculated with a soil cohesion of 2 kiloPascals, a soil depth of one meter, and a phi of 33°.

The model runs compare as follows:

Number of 30m cells
cohesionless   new    Critical
  model       model   Rainfall
    351        4580 Unconditionally unstable
  16629       42264   0 - 50 mm/day
  30758       57191  50 - 100 mm/day
  60854       86233 100 - 200 mm/day
  64586       74951 200 - 400 mm/day
  30181       32188   > 400 mm/day
 767345      673297 Unconditionally stable
Harvey Greenberg