Tsangpo River Data
This page was established in September of 2009 for the use of researchers at the University of Washington (Department of Earth and Space Sciences) and other institutions (e.g. University of Tennessee at Knoxville) to share data on the Tsangpo/Siang River region. Some of this data is resricted. Do not pass it outside the group without checking.

Polygon shapefiles from Isaac.
Yes, the data indicates an undrained lake within the Tsangpo Basin. This is what it looks like in Landsat imagery.

tsangpo_gdb.zip is a 2.7 gigabyte file which unzips to an ArcMap 9.3 file geodtabase. It contains:

Unsorted, uploaded data can be found here.
This site is curated by Harvey Greenberg, though others can ask for passwords to upload files. Puppetlab users can see it as z:/www/areas/Tsangpo/private and samba access will be set up soon.