This page is primarily for data sharing among our working group. Our polished web site is taking shape as the Dynamic Information Framework.
Alluvial fan(dir)Nov 11 2006
landsat2000(dir)Sep 29 2006
moz_photos.zip1169901Sep 20 18:35
ne_moz.zip57869621Sep 19 18:07
photos2.zip6835747Sep 25 17:25
zambezi.zip6222792Aug 2 16:04 DEM6427208Nov 20, 2006 DEM100050207Jan 9, 2007
gpcc_precip is the average of the 50-year GPCC data as smoothed by Harvey and masked to his 5-minute world topography. Cell edges line up with lat-long lines. The zip file comprises 13 gridascii files. annual.asc is the 50-year mean in millimeters. Each monthly file presents the proportion of monthly rain to the annual total. Values average .083.