/*A------------------------------AUTHOR--------------------------------- /* /*Original Coding: ESRI /* /*N-------------------------------NAME---------------------------------- /* /*BUILDNAL.AML /*Copyright 1995, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. /* /*P-----------------------------PURPOSE--------------------------------- /* /*This AML will build a Node Arc List for a coverage so it can relate /*to the same coverages .NAT to the .AAT. The NAL is the primary /*related table so FINDSTREETCROSSING.AML can perform the selections /*it does. /* /*U------------------------------USAGE---------------------------------- /* /*BUILDNAL /* /*V----------------------------VARIABLES-------------------------------- /* /* .covt - the TRANSLATEd version of %cov% /* /*C------------------------------CALLS---------------------------------- /* /*NONE /* /*============================DISCLAIMER================================ /*You may use, copy, modify, merge, distribute, alter, reproduce and/or /*create derivative works of this AML for your own internal use. All /*rights not specifically granted herein are reserved to ESRI. /* /*THIS AML IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER /*EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED /*WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, /*WITH RESPECT TO THE AML. /* /*ESRI shall not be liable for any damages under any theory of law /*related to your use of this AML, even if ESRI is advised of the /*possibilites of such damage. This AML is not supported by ESRI. /*====================================================================== &args .covt &data ARC INFO ARC DEFINE %.covt%.NAL NODE#,4,5,B ARC#,4,5,B [unquote ''] SELECT %.covt%.NAL REDEFINE NODE# 1,FNODE#,4,5,B [unquote ''] ALTER NODE# ,,,,TNODE#,,, SELECT %.covt%.AAT RO REL %.covt%.NAL 1 BY FNODE# APPEND CALC $1ARC# = %.covt%# REL %.covt%.NAL 1 BY TNODE# APPEND CALC $1ARC# = %.covt%# SELECT %.covt%.NAL SORT NODE#,ARC# Q STOP &end