/* writes an ascii file with xy and other info for each outlet /* Simple version for the named basins &s cover streams /* standard argument for createstremnetwork.aml build %cover% arc nodepoint streams knodes build knodes point addxy knodes GRID setwindow mask;setcell mask;setmask mask flowacc = flowaccumulation(flowd) nodegrid = pointgrid(knodes) /*tinypours = con(isnull(nodegrid) and (Z:\WWW\AREAS\HOOD_CANAL\MISSION\MASTER\flength == 0),1) /*tinypourcover = gridpoint(tinypours) QUIT latticespot flowacc knodes flowacc /*latticespot flowacc tinypourcover flowacc relate add known knodes.pat INFO TNODE# KNODES# linear rw ~ /*addxy tinypourcover tables sel %cover%.aat asel;resel downarc = -1 calc %cover%-id = -99 unload pourpoints.txt known//x-coord known//y-coord known//flowacc %cover%-id # INIT /*sel tinypourcover.pat /*calc tinypourcover-id = 0 /*unload tinypourpoints.txt x-coord y-coord flowacc tinypourcover-id # INIT quit /* to arc