/* Make a separate mask for each group of unsampled basins /* Renumber them &s newnum 51 &do name &list dabob_bay east_canal east_canal_2 great_bend_no great_bend_s northeast northwest s_shr_lynch_c west_canal clearselect reselect unsampled poly shortname = [quote %name%] &s numlist [listunique unsampled -poly id] &wo ../%name% setwindow ..\master\basins tmp = con(..\master\otherbasins.group in {%numlist%},%newnum%) &ty Assigning %newnum% to %name%, &ty Old id values were %numlist% xmin = scalar(999999) xmax = scalar(0) ymin = scalar (9999999) ymax = scalar(0) docell if (tmp > 0) begin if (xmin > $$xmap) xmin = $$xmap if (xmax < $$xmap) xmax = $$xmap if (ymax == 0) ymax = $$ymap ymin = $$ymap end end xm = scalar(xmin - 75) xx = scalar(xmax + 75) ym = scalar(ymin - 75) yx = scalar(ymax + 75) setwindow [show xm] [show ym] [show xx] [show yx] setmask tmp mask = %newnum% setmask off &s newnum [calc %newnum% + 1] setwindow ..\master\basins kill tmp &work ../master &end