/* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* file: roadelevation.aml /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* Battelle Memorial Institute /* Pacific Northwest Laboratory /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* Created September 29, 1995 by William A Perkins /* Last Change: Wed May 22 15:25:01 1996 by William A Perkins /* diganostic changes: Harvey Greenberg 6/5/2008 /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* RCS ID: $Id: roadelevation.aml,v 1.3 1996/06/10 18:40:31 perk Exp $ &severity &error &routine hndlerr &severity &warning &ignore &args roads elev elevinfo weed elevrte &typ roadelevation.aml called at [date -full] with arguments %roads% %elev% %elevinfo% %weed% %elevrte% /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* constant initialization /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &setvar omessages = [show &messages] &messages &on /* &off &info &setvar odisplay = [show display] display 0 &setvar program = ROADELEVATION &setvar usage = usage: %program% {info} {weed_tolerance} {out_route} /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* handle command line arguments /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &if [null %roads%] or [null %elev%] &then &do &call recover &return &error %usage% &end /* road coverage &setvar roads = [translate %roads%] &if not [exists %roads% -arc] &then &do &type %program%: error: Unable to find line coverage %roads% &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &setvar roaditem = %roads%# /* elevation lattice &setvar elev = [translate %elev%] &if not [exists %elev% -grid] &then &do &type %program%: error: Unable to find elevation grid %elev% &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &if [null %elevinfo%] &then &setvar elevinfo = %roads%.elev &else &setvar elevinfo = [translate %elevinfo%] &if [exists %elevinfo% -info] &then &do &type %program%: warning: deleting info file %elevinfo% &setvar junk = [delete %elevinfo% -info] &end /* as a default, the the weed /* tolerance is set to 1.5 times the /* grid cell size &describe %elev% &if [null %weed%] &then &do &setvar weed = [calc 1.5 * %grd$dx%] &end /* name of route to produce in roads /* coverage &if [null %elevrte%] &then &setvar elevrte = ELEVATION &else &setvar elevrte = [translate %elevrte%] &if [exists %roads% -route.%elevrte%] &then &do &type %program%: warning: removing existing route %elevrte% in coverage %roads% dropfeatures %roads% route.%elevrte% &end &if [exists %roads% -section.%elevrte%] &then &do &type %program%: warning: removing existing section %elevrte% in coverage %roads% dropfeatures %roads% section.%elevrte% &end /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* do the work /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &setvar tmpptcov = [scratchname -directory] &setvar elevitem = ELEVATION /* create temporary point coverage and /* sample elevations and /* sample DEM with points arcpoint %roads% %tmpptcov% line %roaditem% %weed% latticespot %elev% %tmpptcov% %elevitem% /* create elevation route using the /* specified item in the road arc /* table measureroute arc %roads% %elevrte% %roaditem% %roaditem% length addroutemeasure %tmpptcov% %roads% %elevrte% %tmpptcov%.elev point 0.0 /* make the section measures match the /* to and from nodes on the arc; this /* will need to be consistent later &type Flipping the directions of up-facing %roads% segments. arcedit edit %roads% section.%elevrte% select f-pos gt t-pos /*cursor open /*&do &while %:edit.AML$NEXT% /* flip /* cursor next /*&end &if [show number select] ne 0 &then /* Harvey simplifies and robustifies flip quit y /* create an point event database of /* sample elevations on the elevation /* route &type Creating %elevinfo% joinitem %tmpptcov%.elev %tmpptcov%.pat %elevinfo% %tmpptcov%# measure linear arcedit /* start ARCEDIT edit %elevinfo% info relate add; rte; %roads%.rat%elevrte%; info; %elevrte%#; %elevrte%#; linear; ro ;; select %roaditem% ne rte//%roaditem% &if [show number select] gt 0 &then &do delete &end relate drop; rte;; quit y &call recover &return /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* recover /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &routine recover &do &while %:program% ne ARC &select %:program% &when ARCEDIT quit no &when ARCPLOT quit &when GRID quit &end &end &if not [null [show relates]] &then &do i &list [show relates] &if %i% eq 'rte' &then &do relate drop; rte;; &end &end &if [variable tmmptcov] &then &do &if [exists %tmpptcov% -cover] &then kill %tmpptcov% all &end display %odisplay% &messages %omessages% &return /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* hndlerr /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &routine hndlerr &severity &error &fail &type %program%: unrecoverable error &return &error Aborting...