/* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* file: roadmap.aml /* /* This is an ARC program. This program combines a road/channel /* coverage with the polygon coverage produced by ROWCOLMAP, which /* contains information on the base DEM grid, including slope and /* aspect. A new road coverage is created with the arcs split up cell /* by cell. This program transfers the cell aspect and slope to /* individual arcs since that will be needed with further processing. /* It will also transfer a single item from the original road/channel /* coverage, which should be the segment ID, to an item SEG-ID in the /* new road/channel coverage. By default, SEG-ID is filled with the /* internal arc ID. /* /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* Battelle Memorial Institute /* Pacific Northwest Laboratory /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* Created February 22, 1996 by William A Perkins /* Last Change: Wed Sep 25 14:39:53 1996 by William A Perkins /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* RCS ID: $Id: roadmap.aml,v 1.4 1996/09/25 22:15:35 perk Exp $ &severity &error &routine hndlerr &severity &warning &ignore &args roads rowcolmap outcover rditem &if %:program% ne ARC &then &do &type Sorry, this should be run in ARC not %:program% &return &error &end /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* variable initialization /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &setvar omessages = [show &messages] &messages &on /* &off &info &setvar odisplay = [show display] display 0 &setvar program = ROADMAP &setvar usage = usage: %program% {rditem} /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* check command line /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &if [null %roads%] or [null %rowcolmap%] or [null %outcover%] &then &do &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &setvar roads = [translate %roads%] &setvar rowcolmap = [translate %rowcolmap%] &setvar outcover = [translate %outcover%] &setvar rditem = [translate %rditem%] &if not [exists %roads% -arc] &then &do &type %program%: error: can not find arc coverage %roads% &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &if not [exists %rowcolmap% -polygon] &then &do &type %program%: error: can not find polygon coverage %rowcolmap% &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &if [null %rditem%] &then &setvar rditem = [entryname %roads%]# &if not [iteminfo %roads% -arc %rditem% -exists] &then &do &type %program%: error: can not find item %rditem% in %roads% AAT &call recover &return &error %usage% &end &if not [calc [iteminfo %rowcolmap% -polygon aspect -exists] or ~ [iteminfo %rowcolmap% -polygon slope -exists]] &then &do &type %program%: error: SLOPE or ASPECT items not found in polygon coverage %rowcolmap% &type %program%: Was %rowcolmap% produced by ROWCOLMAP? &call recover &return &error %usage% &end /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* do the work /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* copy the original roads coverage to /* a temporary coverage, create a new /* item to hold the Segment ID, and /* fill it. /* &setvar tmproads = [scratchname -directory] /* &data arc arcedit /* edit %tmproads% arc /* additem seg-id 4 5 B /* select all /* &if [quote [translate %rditem%]] eq [quote %roads%#] &then /* calc seg-id = roads# /* &else /* calc seg-id = %rditem% /* quit y /* &end /* intersect the cell/row/column map /* with the temporary roads coverage. &if [exists %outcover% -cover] &then &do &type %program%: warning: overwriting existing coverage %outcover% kill %outcover% all &end intersect %roads% %rowcolmap% %outcover% line 1.0 JOIN build %outcover% arc additem %outcover%.aat %outcover%.aat seg-id ~ [iteminfo %roads% -arc %rditem% -definition] &run transfer %roads% %outcover% %rditem% seg-id 1.0 build %outcover% node addxy %outcover% node /* finally found it. 20080925 items %outcover%.aat &call recover &return /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* recover /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &routine recover &do &while %:program% ne ARC &select %:program% &when ARCEDIT quit no &when ARCPLOT quit &when GRID quit &end &end /* &if [variable tmproads] &then /* &if [exists %tmproads% -cover] &then /* kill %tmproads% all display %odisplay% &messages %omessages% &return /* ------------------------------------------------------------- /* hndlerr /* ------------------------------------------------------------- &routine hndlerr &severity &error &fail &call recover &type %program%: unrecoverable error &return &error Aborting...