July, 2008

This shows Because part of the channel is clipped from the DEM, there are two outlets 6 km apart. We would have to tweak the DEM to make the western sub-basin part of the main Ji-Parana basin. I don't where Vicky's basin boundary came from. Are we sure that the Madiera did not capture that channel?

August, 2007

These are my preliminary figures:
derived from the CGIAR version of the SRTM 3" (~90m) DEM.
Same rivers
with the 10 stations from Dani's spreadsheet. If we use these rivers, we have to move the stations onto the river channels.
Same figure,
but insets are color-coded elevations. The dark overlays indicate the places where "sinks" in the DEM were filled. We some effort, DEMs can be tweaked to fix these problems. I will compare this with Vicky's contour-based DEMs. harvey Thu Aug 9 16:44:30 PDT 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------ P.S. Including what, Jeff? I will try to make the site match your expectations later today. harvey Fri Aug 10 11:48:25 PDT 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------
shows a detail of the basin. I don't think that SRTM DEM is as good as the topo-map-based DEM.
June 3, 2009: an old figure and a new one: