DRG files in the Grangeville 1° by 2° quadrangle

Click on the map or text for most 1:24K (7.5-minute) quads. Click on the text for other quads.
Note: 15 years after the patent on LZW compression expired, we are converting our uncompressed tif files to internally compressed tif files. This obviates the need to zip them to save space. Losslessly-compressed quad files run about 3 megabytes, while the "f" files are larger and the "z" files are huge.
The old zip files also contained tfw files, which you are unlikely to need. If you want them, they are preserved here.

About this table
about clipping collars and new rectangles
about tfw files    documentation from the USGS CDROM
USGS name# quadsDNR#namefile size
c45116a17-(1°×2° quad)5244866
z451176-(Mosaicked 24K quads)19656382
o45117h612559Elbow Creek2617641
o45117h112564Teepee Butte3212381
o45116h812565Jim Creek Butte3449158
Unclipped version of these images