***************************************************************** ================================================================= = Processing History for Work Order: 01197043001000004 ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = Mail Header: ================================================================= From ordact@dg2 Thu May 1 08:55:51 1997 Received: from dg2.cr.usgs.gov by edcsgs5 via SMTP (950911.SGI.8.6.12.PATCH825/930416.SGI) for id IAA26954; Thu, 1 May 1997 08:55:50 -0500 Received: by dg2.cr.usgs.gov (5.4R2.10/1.34) id AA26111; Thu, 1 May 1997 08:53:03 -0500 Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 08:53:03 -0500 From: ordact@dg2 (Dale Johnson) Message-Id: <9705011353.AA26111@dg2.cr.usgs.gov> To: nlaps Subject: ORD ================================================================= = Mail Message: ================================================================= format_version=001 order_nbr=0119704300100 unit_nbr=0004 message_date=05/01/97 message_type=ORD #Message Specific Fields #Product Order Parameters product_code=N200 product_assign=S priority_code=6 date_due=05/14/97 #Input Data Definition satellite=5 sensor=TM input_media_type=DT input_media_fmt=BR #Input Data Locator Information nbr_storage_loc=1 storage_info=[ storage_loc=BE1605 ] dct_id=9519901TMR nbr_scenes=01 scene_info=[ new_scene_id=LT5047027008820310 scene_start_addr=2485635 scene_stop_addr=2685906 ] #Processing Parameters geo_corr_level=SYS rad_calib_meth=NASA output_prod_spc=WRS_SCENE output_prod_loc=[ out_prod_path=047 out_prod_row=027.0 ] image_orientation=SAT map_projection=[ projection_code=1 projection_params=[ parm1=6378137.0 parm2=6356752.31414 ] zone=10 horizontal_datum=WGS84 ] prod_pixel_height=28.50 prod_pixel_width=28.50 resamp_method=1P2D resamp_tech=NN scan_gap_corr_f=Y rad_enhancement=NONE analyze_req_f=N verify_req_f=N #Output Product Specification spectral_bands=1234567 product_format=NDF data_organization=BSQ ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: SystematicModelGen ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = SystematicModelGen_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "SystematicModelGen_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/SystematicModelGen_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: DataIngest ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = DataIngest_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/DataIngest_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/DataIngest_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } } ================================================================= = DataIngest_0 Output Parameters: ================================================================= { IngestQualityFlag = TRUE; InputImage = { InputImageHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0INGMT_IngestTmEtm.tif"; InputImageResourceId = "diskSpace_2"; InputImageAllocationId = 286951L; } IngestPredictedOrbitFlag = TRUE; WcuExitCode = 0L; } ================================================================= = DataIngest_0 Report: ================================================================= { ReportHeader = { ReportName = "Ingest"; VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00; WorkOrderId = "01197043001000004"; StartTime = "Mon May 5 02:40:54 1997"; StartTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 2L; minute = 40L; sec = 54L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CompletionTime = "Mon May 5 13:38:22 1997"; CompletionTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 38L; sec = 22L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CpuTime = 2.694600000000000e+02; } IngestHeader = { WorkOrderID = "01197043001000004"; Satellite = "LS5 "; Sensor = "TM "; } ProcessingInformation = { TotalNumberOfSwaths = 1147L; TotalNumberSwathsWithSyncLosses = 1L; TotalNumberOfSyncLosses = 255L; NumberBadSwaths = 0L; InputCentreDateAndTimeAtStation = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 32L; sec = 33L; usec = 887438L; time_system = 2L; } } InputSpecification = { InputMedia = "DCRSi"; InputDataFormat = "R"; VolumeInformation = [ { NumberOfScenes = 1L; SceneId = [ "LT5047027008820310"; ] StorageLocation = "BE1605"; } ] NumberOfBandsIngested = 7L; BandNumbersIngested = [ 1L; 2L; 3L; 4L; 5L; 6L; 7L; ] } } ================================================================= = DataIngest_0 Processing History: ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: DefineProduct ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = DefineProduct_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/DefineProduct_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/DefineProduct_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } } ================================================================= = DefineProduct_0 Report: ================================================================= { ReportHeader = { ReportName = "productDefinitionReport"; VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00; WorkOrderId = "01197043001000004"; StartTime = "Mon May 5 13:38:29 1997"; StartTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 38L; sec = 29L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CompletionTime = "Mon May 5 13:38:33 1997"; CompletionTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 38L; sec = 33L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } } numPixels = 6828L; numLines = 6415L; } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: ImageCorrection ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = ImageCorrection_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ImageCorrection_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ImageCorrection_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } InputImageFile = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0INGMT_IngestTmEtm.tif"; ResampleImageOrDemFlag = TRUE; } ================================================================= = ImageCorrection_0 Output Parameters: ================================================================= { outputImage = { outputImageHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0_OPR_MsResampler.tif"; outputImageAllocationId = 287016L; } WcuExitCode = 0L; } ================================================================= = ImageCorrection_0 Report: ================================================================= { ReportHeader = { ReportName = "resamplerReport"; VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00; WorkOrderId = "01197043001000004"; StartTime = "Mon May 5 13:38:39 1997"; StartTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 38L; sec = 39L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CompletionTime = "Mon May 5 13:57:34 1997"; CompletionTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 57L; sec = 34L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CpuTime = 3.102500000000000e+03; } GeometricCorrectionLevel = "map-projected"; ProductInfo = { Projection = "UTM "; Datum = "WGS84"; Orientation = 1.246294329226664e+01; } ResamplingInfo = { Method = "1 PASS"; Kernel = "NearestNeighbor"; } SatelliteAngleOfIncidence = 8.183013650543103e-02; SatelliteAngleOfIncidenceDirection = "L"; SatelliteIncidentOrientation = 1.890834033496201e+02; SatelliteOffNadirPointingAngle = -3.669274697088454e-02; OffNadirPointingAngle = 0.000000000000000e+00; DemCorrection = { WasApplied = FALSE; } ElevationCorrection = { WasApplied = FALSE; } RadiometricCorrection = { WasApplied = TRUE; RadCorrTableReport = { calOption = "NASA"; bandInProduct = [ TRUE; TRUE; TRUE; TRUE; TRUE; TRUE; TRUE; FALSE; ] bandData = [ { bandNumber = 1L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 6.02431e-01; offset = -1.52000e+00; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 15L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 8.53729e-01; offset = -2.44695e+00; } { gain = 8.52133e-01; offset = -2.53552e+00; } { gain = 8.42031e-01; offset = -2.17826e+00; } { gain = 8.46744e-01; offset = -2.33553e+00; } { gain = 8.48840e-01; offset = -2.29106e+00; } { gain = 8.49139e-01; offset = -2.38886e+00; } { gain = 8.48524e-01; offset = -2.27469e+00; } { gain = 8.40996e-01; offset = -2.14613e+00; } { gain = 8.38032e-01; offset = -1.96935e+00; } { gain = 8.44034e-01; offset = -2.03709e+00; } { gain = 8.38016e-01; offset = -2.04979e+00; } { gain = 8.50093e-01; offset = -2.12494e+00; } { gain = 8.44406e-01; offset = -2.20602e+00; } { gain = 8.50799e-01; offset = -2.06472e+00; } { gain = 8.46473e-01; offset = -1.85678e+00; } { gain = 8.55247e-01; offset = -1.75051e+00; } ] [ { gain = 8.53729e-01; offset = -2.44695e+00; } { gain = 8.52133e-01; offset = -2.53552e+00; } { gain = 8.42031e-01; offset = -2.17826e+00; } { gain = 8.46744e-01; offset = -2.33553e+00; } { gain = 8.48840e-01; offset = -2.29106e+00; } { gain = 8.49139e-01; offset = -2.38886e+00; } { gain = 8.48524e-01; offset = -2.27469e+00; } { gain = 8.40996e-01; offset = -2.14613e+00; } { gain = 8.38032e-01; offset = -1.96935e+00; } { gain = 8.44034e-01; offset = -2.03709e+00; } { gain = 8.38016e-01; offset = -2.04979e+00; } { gain = 8.50093e-01; offset = -2.12494e+00; } { gain = 8.44406e-01; offset = -2.20602e+00; } { gain = 8.50799e-01; offset = -2.06472e+00; } { gain = 8.46473e-01; offset = -1.85678e+00; } { gain = 8.55247e-01; offset = -1.75051e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 2L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 1.17510e+00; offset = -2.84000e+00; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 10L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 8.42322e-01; offset = 4.69219e-01; } { gain = 8.52106e-01; offset = 5.20191e-01; } { gain = 8.44537e-01; offset = 5.83625e-01; } { gain = 8.48023e-01; offset = 4.81670e-01; } { gain = 8.54590e-01; offset = 4.61435e-01; } { gain = 8.48911e-01; offset = 6.62959e-01; } { gain = 8.49495e-01; offset = 5.15511e-01; } { gain = 8.38421e-01; offset = 6.56806e-01; } { gain = 8.53945e-01; offset = 6.79970e-01; } { gain = 8.41357e-01; offset = 5.12035e-01; } { gain = 8.49077e-01; offset = 6.33722e-01; } { gain = 8.45742e-01; offset = 3.73053e-01; } { gain = 8.48217e-01; offset = 4.32433e-01; } { gain = 8.40596e-01; offset = 7.66579e-01; } { gain = 8.46032e-01; offset = 6.26608e-01; } { gain = 8.47656e-01; offset = 1.05774e+00; } ] [ { gain = 8.42322e-01; offset = 4.69219e-01; } { gain = 8.52106e-01; offset = 5.20191e-01; } { gain = 8.44537e-01; offset = 5.83625e-01; } { gain = 8.48023e-01; offset = 4.81670e-01; } { gain = 8.54590e-01; offset = 4.61435e-01; } { gain = 8.48911e-01; offset = 6.62959e-01; } { gain = 8.49495e-01; offset = 5.15511e-01; } { gain = 8.38421e-01; offset = 6.56806e-01; } { gain = 8.53945e-01; offset = 6.79970e-01; } { gain = 8.41357e-01; offset = 5.12035e-01; } { gain = 8.49077e-01; offset = 6.33722e-01; } { gain = 8.45742e-01; offset = 3.73053e-01; } { gain = 8.48217e-01; offset = 4.32433e-01; } { gain = 8.40596e-01; offset = 7.66579e-01; } { gain = 8.46032e-01; offset = 6.26608e-01; } { gain = 8.47656e-01; offset = 1.05774e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 3L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 8.05765e-01; offset = -1.17000e+00; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 2L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 7.56745e-01; offset = 1.57283e+00; } { gain = 7.48634e-01; offset = 1.58611e+00; } { gain = 7.51534e-01; offset = 1.57904e+00; } { gain = 7.44003e-01; offset = 1.54354e+00; } { gain = 7.52356e-01; offset = 1.47654e+00; } { gain = 7.40045e-01; offset = 1.70913e+00; } { gain = 7.48726e-01; offset = 1.59024e+00; } { gain = 7.37667e-01; offset = 1.85271e+00; } { gain = 7.48409e-01; offset = 1.67775e+00; } { gain = 7.37095e-01; offset = 1.69294e+00; } { gain = 7.43169e-01; offset = 1.58511e+00; } { gain = 7.48350e-01; offset = 1.67506e+00; } { gain = 7.53418e-01; offset = 1.46919e+00; } { gain = 7.44316e-01; offset = 1.81537e+00; } { gain = 7.56780e-01; offset = 1.68505e+00; } { gain = 7.44641e-01; offset = 2.29828e+00; } ] [ { gain = 7.56745e-01; offset = 1.57283e+00; } { gain = 7.48634e-01; offset = 1.58611e+00; } { gain = 7.51534e-01; offset = 1.57904e+00; } { gain = 7.44003e-01; offset = 1.54354e+00; } { gain = 7.52356e-01; offset = 1.47654e+00; } { gain = 7.40045e-01; offset = 1.70913e+00; } { gain = 7.48726e-01; offset = 1.59024e+00; } { gain = 7.37667e-01; offset = 1.85271e+00; } { gain = 7.48409e-01; offset = 1.67775e+00; } { gain = 7.37095e-01; offset = 1.69294e+00; } { gain = 7.43169e-01; offset = 1.58511e+00; } { gain = 7.48350e-01; offset = 1.67506e+00; } { gain = 7.53418e-01; offset = 1.46919e+00; } { gain = 7.44316e-01; offset = 1.81537e+00; } { gain = 7.56780e-01; offset = 1.68505e+00; } { gain = 7.44641e-01; offset = 2.29828e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 4L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 8.14549e-01; offset = -1.51000e+00; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 1L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 8.47360e-01; offset = 1.22277e+00; } { gain = 8.42822e-01; offset = 1.26222e+00; } { gain = 8.47873e-01; offset = 1.28072e+00; } { gain = 8.42455e-01; offset = 1.16491e+00; } { gain = 8.44063e-01; offset = 1.16530e+00; } { gain = 8.48622e-01; offset = 1.14202e+00; } { gain = 8.54122e-01; offset = 1.09487e+00; } { gain = 8.37749e-01; offset = 1.24488e+00; } { gain = 8.53370e-01; offset = 1.29345e+00; } { gain = 8.53448e-01; offset = 1.19979e+00; } { gain = 8.50803e-01; offset = 1.04596e+00; } { gain = 8.45144e-01; offset = 1.20842e+00; } { gain = 8.36770e-01; offset = 1.15288e+00; } { gain = 8.45016e-01; offset = 1.23724e+00; } { gain = 8.46872e-01; offset = 1.24737e+00; } { gain = 8.51280e-01; offset = 1.81257e+00; } ] [ { gain = 8.47360e-01; offset = 1.22277e+00; } { gain = 8.42822e-01; offset = 1.26222e+00; } { gain = 8.47873e-01; offset = 1.28072e+00; } { gain = 8.42455e-01; offset = 1.16491e+00; } { gain = 8.44063e-01; offset = 1.16530e+00; } { gain = 8.48622e-01; offset = 1.14202e+00; } { gain = 8.54122e-01; offset = 1.09487e+00; } { gain = 8.37749e-01; offset = 1.24488e+00; } { gain = 8.53370e-01; offset = 1.29345e+00; } { gain = 8.53448e-01; offset = 1.19979e+00; } { gain = 8.50803e-01; offset = 1.04596e+00; } { gain = 8.45144e-01; offset = 1.20842e+00; } { gain = 8.36770e-01; offset = 1.15288e+00; } { gain = 8.45016e-01; offset = 1.23724e+00; } { gain = 8.46872e-01; offset = 1.24737e+00; } { gain = 8.51280e-01; offset = 1.81257e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 5L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 1.08078e-01; offset = -3.70000e-01; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 2L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 8.48732e-01; offset = 8.59323e-01; } { gain = 8.46039e-01; offset = 7.93870e-01; } { gain = 8.38818e-01; offset = 1.12566e+00; } { gain = 8.41925e-01; offset = 9.10996e-01; } { gain = 8.40527e-01; offset = 9.73235e-01; } { gain = 8.37928e-01; offset = 9.43362e-01; } { gain = 8.44129e-01; offset = 1.00086e+00; } { gain = 8.41733e-01; offset = 8.96852e-01; } { gain = 8.55189e-01; offset = 1.22004e+00; } { gain = 8.26766e-01; offset = 8.33645e-01; } { gain = 8.33212e-01; offset = 9.27368e-01; } { gain = 8.46070e-01; offset = 8.64805e-01; } { gain = 8.27828e-01; offset = 9.10660e-01; } { gain = 8.40232e-01; offset = 9.51317e-01; } { gain = 8.36483e-01; offset = 9.00424e-01; } { gain = 8.47656e-01; offset = 1.08862e+00; } ] [ { gain = 8.48732e-01; offset = 8.59323e-01; } { gain = 8.46039e-01; offset = 7.93870e-01; } { gain = 8.38818e-01; offset = 1.12566e+00; } { gain = 8.41925e-01; offset = 9.10996e-01; } { gain = 8.40527e-01; offset = 9.73235e-01; } { gain = 8.37928e-01; offset = 9.43362e-01; } { gain = 8.44129e-01; offset = 1.00086e+00; } { gain = 8.41733e-01; offset = 8.96852e-01; } { gain = 8.55189e-01; offset = 1.22004e+00; } { gain = 8.26766e-01; offset = 8.33645e-01; } { gain = 8.33212e-01; offset = 9.27368e-01; } { gain = 8.46070e-01; offset = 8.64805e-01; } { gain = 8.27828e-01; offset = 9.10660e-01; } { gain = 8.40232e-01; offset = 9.51317e-01; } { gain = 8.36483e-01; offset = 9.00424e-01; } { gain = 8.47656e-01; offset = 1.08862e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 6L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 5.51582e-02; offset = 1.23780e+00; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 4L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = TRUE; numberDetectors = 4L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 9.75303e-01; offset = 3.46819e+00; } { gain = 1.00843e+00; offset = -1.38195e+00; } { gain = 9.70853e-01; offset = 3.84540e+00; } { gain = 1.04542e+00; offset = -5.92765e+00; } ] [ { gain = 9.75303e-01; offset = 3.46819e+00; } { gain = 1.00843e+00; offset = -1.38195e+00; } { gain = 9.70853e-01; offset = 3.84540e+00; } { gain = 1.04542e+00; offset = -5.92765e+00; } ] ] } { bandNumber = 7L; gainOffsetCoefficient = { gain = 5.69804e-02; offset = -1.50000e-01; } lowerReflectanceLimit = 0L; upperReflectanceLimit = 100L; referenceDetector = 15L; useDefaultAbsCalibration = FALSE; numberDetectors = 16L; destriping = [ [ { gain = 8.33407e-01; offset = 1.92556e+00; } { gain = 8.35758e-01; offset = 1.73559e+00; } { gain = 8.23968e-01; offset = 1.99994e+00; } { gain = 8.26642e-01; offset = 1.81831e+00; } { gain = 8.24813e-01; offset = 1.83711e+00; } { gain = 8.37223e-01; offset = 1.86130e+00; } { gain = 8.19296e-01; offset = 1.93478e+00; } { gain = 8.33509e-01; offset = 1.87036e+00; } { gain = 8.22142e-01; offset = 2.08870e+00; } { gain = 8.27019e-01; offset = 1.86428e+00; } { gain = 8.14295e-01; offset = 2.02437e+00; } { gain = 8.36051e-01; offset = 1.95245e+00; } { gain = 8.31715e-01; offset = 1.98974e+00; } { gain = 8.31913e-01; offset = 2.03556e+00; } { gain = 8.24293e-01; offset = 1.95701e+00; } { gain = 8.35374e-01; offset = 2.43695e+00; } ] [ { gain = 8.33407e-01; offset = 1.92556e+00; } { gain = 8.35758e-01; offset = 1.73559e+00; } { gain = 8.23968e-01; offset = 1.99994e+00; } { gain = 8.26642e-01; offset = 1.81831e+00; } { gain = 8.24813e-01; offset = 1.83711e+00; } { gain = 8.37223e-01; offset = 1.86130e+00; } { gain = 8.19296e-01; offset = 1.93478e+00; } { gain = 8.33509e-01; offset = 1.87036e+00; } { gain = 8.22142e-01; offset = 2.08870e+00; } { gain = 8.27019e-01; offset = 1.86428e+00; } { gain = 8.14295e-01; offset = 2.02437e+00; } { gain = 8.36051e-01; offset = 1.95245e+00; } { gain = 8.31715e-01; offset = 1.98974e+00; } { gain = 8.31913e-01; offset = 2.03556e+00; } { gain = 8.24293e-01; offset = 1.95701e+00; } { gain = 8.35374e-01; offset = 2.43695e+00; } ] ] } ] } } } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: BlackLineQA ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = BlackLineQA_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/BlackLineQA_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/BlackLineQA_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } ImagePathname = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0_OPR_MsResampler.tif"; } ================================================================= = BlackLineQA_0 Output Parameters: ================================================================= { WcuExitCode = 0L; } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: ReleaseInputResource ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = ReleaseInputResource_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ReleaseInputResource_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ReleaseInputResource_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } inputAllocationId = 286951L; } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: FormatProduct ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = FormatProduct_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/FormatProduct_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/FormatProduct_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } productLocation = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/"; imagePathname = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0_OPR_MsResampler.tif"; productSceneNumber = 0L; } ================================================================= = FormatProduct_0 Output Parameters: ================================================================= { procImageryFileInfo = [ { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004I.hdr"; procImageryFileSize = 2542L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I1.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I2.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I3.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I4.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I5.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I6.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } { procImageryFilename = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/01197043001000004_I7.dat"; procImageryFileSize = 43801620L; } ] WcuExitCode = 0L; } ================================================================= = FormatProduct_0 Report: ================================================================= { ReportHeader = { ReportName = "ProductFormattingReport"; VersionNumber = 1.000000000000000e+00; WorkOrderId = "01197043001000004"; StartTime = "Mon May 5 13:57:44 1997"; StartTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 13L; minute = 57L; sec = 44L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CompletionTime = "Mon May 5 14:00:10 1997"; CompletionTimeRecord = { year = 1997L; month = 5L; day = 5L; hour = 14L; minute = 0L; sec = 10L; usec = 0L; time_system = 2L; } CpuTime = 4.198000000000000e+01; } OutputFormat = "NDF"; ImageOrganization = "BSQ"; OutputPixelHeight = 2.850000000000000e+01; OutputPixelWidth = 2.850000000000000e+01; OutputBands = [ 1L; 2L; 3L; 4L; 5L; 6L; 7L; ] SceneCentreDateTime = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 32L; sec = 33L; usec = 50812L; time_system = 2L; } SceneStartDateTime = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 31L; sec = 52L; usec = 772687L; time_system = 2L; } SceneEndDateTime = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 33L; sec = 14L; usec = 930500L; time_system = 2L; } SceneCentreLatLong = { Latitude = 4.744458072218898e+01; Longitude = -1.234067351533232e+02; } TopLeftLatLong = { Latitude = 4.842825689339860e+01; Longitude = -1.244319999564144e+02; } TopRightLatLong = { Latitude = 4.805385813187527e+01; Longitude = -1.218720441697647e+02; } BottomLeftLatLong = { Latitude = 4.681527562339983e+01; Longitude = -1.249057396336538e+02; } BottomRightLatLong = { Latitude = 4.645178978045585e+01; Longitude = -1.224192322981453e+02; } TopLeftMap = { Northing = 5.364891440177455e+06; Easting = 3.940676253645424e+05; } TopRightMap = { Northing = 5.322901758673895e+06; Easting = 5.840522483697482e+05; } BottomLeftMap = { Northing = 5.186399954613993e+06; Easting = 3.546181135355334e+05; } BottomRightMap = { Northing = 5.144410273110970e+06; Easting = 5.446027365537839e+05; } ImageLines = 6415L; ImagePixels = 6828L; ImageOrientation = 1.246294329226664e+01; SunElevation = 5.603112174220250e+01; SunAzimuth = 1.329849218038574e+02; MediaID = "MEDIA_ID"; StartFileNumber = 1L; NumberOfFiles = 8L; ProductSize = 2.924097843170166e+02; SatelliteData = [ { Time = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 31L; sec = 52L; usec = 772687L; time_system = 2L; } OrbitState = { Latitude = 4.964495312535471e+01; Longitude = -1.224483597844926e+02; Radius = 7.074520717696143e+06; } AttitudeState = { Roll = 5.152681807656319e-05; Pitch = -5.431905487817819e-05; Yaw = 2.597778247899197e-05; } } { Time = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 32L; sec = 33L; usec = 50812L; time_system = 2L; } OrbitState = { Latitude = 4.725366227035793e+01; Longitude = -1.234126138560998e+02; Radius = 7.074804404674971e+06; } AttitudeState = { Roll = -7.464804051289042e-06; Pitch = 3.225549844296777e-06; Yaw = -1.675694301037139e-05; } } { Time = { year = 1988L; month = 7L; day = 21L; hour = 18L; minute = 33L; sec = 14L; usec = 930500L; time_system = 2L; } OrbitState = { Latitude = 4.476202353779851e+01; Longitude = -1.243422578018993e+02; Radius = 7.075114668054713e+06; } AttitudeState = { Roll = -8.183493327964416e-05; Pitch = 4.230603203203190e-05; Yaw = -3.137269224575188e-05; } } ] } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: ReleaseProductResource ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = ReleaseProductResource_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ReleaseProductResource_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ReleaseProductResource_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } productAllocationId = 287016L; } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: ArchiveRdcReport ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = ArchiveRdcReport_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ArchiveRdcReport_0.report"; processingHistoryName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ArchiveRdcReport_0.history"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: CreateGenReportInputFile ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = PROCESSING STAGE: GenerateReport ================================================================= ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = GenerateReport_0 Input Parameters: ================================================================= { commonChildInputParams = { checkpointNumber = 0L; inputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/InputScene_0"; productSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/ProductScene_0"; outputSceneHandle = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/OutputScene_0"; reportName = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004/GenerateReport.report"; workOrderCreationTime = 862494991L; workOrderStartTime = 862818025L; } outputDirectory = "/image0/persist/nl3rt/workorders/01197043001000004"; compactReport = "01197043001000004.compact"; humanReadableReport = "01197043001000004.rpt"; processingHistory = "01197043001000004.his"; wocCpuUsage = 1.018000000000000e+01; reportFiles = [ "SystematicModelGen_0.report"; "DataIngest_0.report"; "DefineProduct_0.report"; "ImageCorrection_0.report"; "BlackLineQA_0.report"; "ReleaseInputResource_0.report"; "FormatProduct_0.report"; "ReleaseProductResource_0.report"; "ArchiveRdcReport_0.report"; "CreateGenReportInputFile_0.report"; "GenerateReport_0.report"; ] workOrderStartTime = "05/05/97 02:40:25"; } ***************************************************************** ================================================================= = WORK ORDER LOG: ================================================================= ***************************************************************** 05-05-97 02:40:20 Info NlapsSoControlPanel WCU:0000 WCU_WriteMessageToWo:00066 Work order was started by operator nlaps. 05-05-97 02:40:25 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process WOC_PreciseModelWoController, PID 24133@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 02:40:25 05-05-97 02:40:38 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to DataIngest 05-05-97 02:40:54 Info INGMT_IngestTmEtm MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process INGMT_IngestTmEtm, PID 24232@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 02:40:54 05-05-97 13:16:30 Info INGMT_IngestTmEtm DCRSI:0023 DCRSI_Hddr.cc:01300 fault code 462 received from DCRsi 4 05-05-97 13:37:28 Error INGMT_IngestTmEtm GICS:0222 cmb_tim_adre.cc::add:00117 Attempted to add/subtract a relative time to/from a non 05-05-97 13:37:28 Error INGMT_IngestTmEtm GICS:0222 cmb_tim_adre.cc::add:00117 Attempted to add/subtract a relative time to/from a non 05-05-97 13:37:30 Warning INGMT_IngestTmEtm ADS:0004 ADS_JitterProcessor.:00294 Bad jitter values detected and replaced in jitter preprocessing. 05-05-97 13:38:23 Info INGMT_IngestTmEtm MAIN:0010 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00363 Process INGMT_IngestTmEtm, PID 24232@edcsgs5, stopped at 05-05-97 13:38:23 05-05-97 13:38:27 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to DefineProduct 05-05-97 13:38:36 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to ImageCorrection 05-05-97 13:38:40 Info OPR_MsResampler MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process OPR_MsResampler, PID 1857@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 13:38:40 05-05-97 13:39:21 Warning OPR_MsResampler RDC:0111 RDC_TmBand.cc:00989 Invalid calibration coefficients (gain = -0.048451, offset = 5.318911), using defaults 05-05-97 13:39:21 Trace OPR_MsResampler RDC:9999 RDC_TmThermalBand.cc:00629 05-05-97 13:39:21 Warning OPR_MsResampler RDC:0017 RDC_TmThermalBand.cc:00239 Band 6, detector 1 : default absolute calibration used 05-05-97 13:57:35 Info OPR_MsResampler MAIN:0010 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00363 Process OPR_MsResampler, PID 1857@edcsgs5, stopped at 05-05-97 13:57:35 05-05-97 13:57:35 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to BlackLineQA 05-05-97 13:57:37 Info BQA_BlackfillQa MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process BQA_BlackfillQa, PID 1887@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 13:57:37 05-05-97 13:57:38 Info BQA_BlackfillQa MAIN:0010 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00363 Process BQA_BlackfillQa, PID 1887@edcsgs5, stopped at 05-05-97 13:57:38 05-05-97 13:57:43 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to FormatProduct 05-05-97 13:57:46 Info TOXNF_MakeProduct MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process TOXNF_MakeProduct, PID 1890@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 13:57:46 05-05-97 13:57:51 Info TOXNF_MakeProduct PFT:0038 PFT_Product.cc:00695 The file associated with product formatting procedure code 24 has size zero and will not be created. 05-05-97 13:57:51 Info TOXNF_MakeProduct PFT:0038 PFT_Product.cc:00695 The file associated with product formatting procedure code 25 has size zero and will not be created. 05-05-97 14:00:10 Info TOXNF_MakeProduct MAIN:0010 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00363 Process TOXNF_MakeProduct, PID 1890@edcsgs5, stopped at 05-05-97 14:00:10 05-05-97 14:00:14 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOC:0113 WOC_WorkOrderControl:02651 Processing complete for work order 01197043001000004. 05-05-97 14:00:15 Info WOC_PreciseModelWoController WOB:0028 WOB_DynamicInfo.cc:00287 Work order stage changed to GenerateReport 05-05-97 14:00:17 Info RPT_ReportGenerator MAIN:0009 MAIN_MainCommon.cc:00339 Process RPT_ReportGenerator, PID 1911@edcsgs5, started at 05-05-97 14:00:17 ================================================================= = End of Processing History =================================================================