I have hundreds of DEMs posted at
This examples shows how I import and mosaic the 216 10-meter quads currently in
stock for zone 11 (east of 120°) Washington State. I have a directory
for each 30'x60' quadrangle, containing up to 64 files for 7.5' quads.
(Actually, the northern quads also contain over-edge files above 49°.)
The .zip files expand into single files with a .dem extension. For example,
/job/www/tenmeter/byquad/ritzville/q941.zip expands into q941.dem. The naming
scheme follows the DNR convention: this is the ninth row down from 49°
and the 41st column east from 125°. This is
a standard ASCII USGS file of the type that is gradually being supplanted
by the SDTS format. I curently have no 10-meter data for Pendleton or Spokane
quads, so I pulled them out of the list. It is necessary that this be a
nested loop, or the list within parentheses would be too long. I call the
following file unzipcom,
and I launch it from the csh prompt with
"source unzipcom". You can also copy and paste it to the command line.
This script also creates a file named import.aml.
cat /dev/null >! import.aml #foreach dir (okanagan ritzville wallawalla pendleton sandpoint spokane pullman grange) foreach dir (okanagan ritzville wallawalla sandpoint pullman grange) foreach fil (/job/www/tenmeter/byquad/$dir/*.zip) unzip $fil set quad=$fil:t echo $quad:r = demgrid\($quad:r.dem\) >> import.aml end endThis will unzip all the .dem files into the current directory. It creates import.aml, which looks like
q141 = demgrid(q141.dem) q142 = demgrid(q142.dem) ...The problem with import.aml is that ARC/INFO fails to close certain files, so it will crash if it is not restarted several times. We therefore use the split command to break import.aml into pieces 53 lines long. We create a script named callarccom and source it to call ARC/INFO repeatedly to import the DEMs. I have chosen to use the demgrid function, which imports these files in integer decimeters. The latticedem command would import them as floating-point meters.
split -53 import.aml import echo "echo importing .dem files to integer grids" >! callarccom foreach aml (importa*) echo quit >> $aml echo arc \'grid $aml\' >> callarccom end echo calling callarccom source callarccomIn my case, the automatically-created file callarccom looks like
arc 'grid importaa' arc 'grid importab' arc 'grid importac' arc 'grid importad'This leaves us with a large number (216 in my case) DEMs, but ARC/INFO can merge only 12 at a time. The following script creates amls to create a hierarchy of intermediate grids.
ls *.dem | sed 's/[^0-9]//g' | sort -n | sed 's/^/q/' | paste - - - - - - - - - - - - | tr '\011' ',' | cat -n | awk '{print "tmp"$1" = merge("$2")"}' | sed 's/,,*)/)/' > mergea.aml echo You can delete the .dem files now while (1 < `cat mergea.aml | wc -l`) cut -d ' ' -f1 mergea.aml | paste - - - - - - - - - - - - | tr '\011' ',' | cat -n | awk '{print "tmpb"$1" = merge("$2")"}' | sed 's/,,*)/)/' >! mergeb.aml break end while (1 < `cat mergeb.aml | wc -l`) cut -d ' ' -f1 mergeb.aml | paste - - - - - - - - - - - - | tr '\011' ',' | cat -n | awk '{print "tmpc"$1" = merge("$2")"}'| sed 's/,,*)/)/' >! mergec.aml break end echo "/*merging amls" >! merge.aml echo grid >> merge.aml echo "&run mergea.aml" >> merge.aml if (-e mergeb.aml)then echo "&run mergeb.aml" >> merge.aml if (-e mergec.aml)then echo "&run mergec.aml" >> merge.aml echo "rename tmpc1 mergeddem" >> merge.aml else echo "rename tmpa1 mergeddem" >> merge.aml endif else echo "rename tmp1 mergeddem" >> merge.aml endif arc "&run merge.aml"Aren't those while loops strange? I couldn't find any way to get the Cshell to do something like
if(`cat mergeb.aml | wc -l` > 1)In my case, mergea.aml looks like
tmp1 = merge(q42,q43,q44,q45,q46,q47,q48,q49,q50,q51,q52,q53) tmp2 = merge(q54,q55,q56,q57,q58,q59,q60,q61,q62,q141,q142,q143) tmp3 = merge(q144,q145,q146,q147,q148,q149,q150,q151,q152,q153,q154,q155) tmp4 = merge(q156,q157,q158,q159,q160,q161,q162,q163,q164,q241,q242,q243) tmp5 = merge(q244,q245,q246,q247,q248,q249,q250,q251,q252,q253,q254,q255) tmp6 = merge(q256,q257,q258,q259,q260,q261,q262,q263,q264,q341,q342,q343) tmp7 = merge(q344,q345,q346,q347,q348,q349,q350,q351,q352,q353,q354,q355) tmp8 = merge(q356,q357,q358,q359,q360,q361,q362,q363,q364,q441,q442,q443) tmp9 = merge(q444,q445,q446,q447,q448,q449,q450,q451,q452,q453,q454,q455) tmp10 = merge(q456,q457,q458,q459,q460,q461,q462,q463,q464,q541,q542,q543) tmp11 = merge(q544,q545,q546,q547,q548,q549,q550,q551,q552,q553,q554,q555) tmp12 = merge(q556,q557,q558,q559,q560,q561,q562,q563,q564,q641,q642,q643) tmp13 = merge(q644,q645,q646,q647,q648,q649,q650,q651,q652,q653,q654,q655) tmp14 = merge(q656,q657,q658,q659,q660,q661,q662,q663,q664,q741,q742,q743) tmp15 = merge(q759,q760,q761,q762,q763,q764,q841,q842,q843,q941,q1041,q1741) tmp16 = merge(q1841,q1846,q1847,q1941,q1946,q1947,q1948,q1949,q1950,q2041,q2258,q2259) tmp17 = merge(q2260,q2261,q2262,q2358,q2359,q2360,q2361,q2362,q2363,q2456,q2457,q2458) tmp18 = merge(q2459,q2460,q2461,q2462,q2463,q2464,q2465,q2559,q2560,q2562,q2564,q2565)Files are processed by number, so the no-data aras are not too exteme. The script is written for 2 levels of the hierachy, so it can handle up to 1728 components, more than any reasonable-sized state contains. Cleanup involves deleting all the .dem files and killing all the tmp grids.
/usr/bin/ls -d tmp* q* | sed 's/^/kill /' >! delete.aml /pre> Now we can check for no_data slivers between quads.This will show a dark line at any slivers. To fix trouble areas:
tmpmask = con(^ isnull(mergeddem),1) testpoly = gridpoly(tmpmask) linepen 0.1 ROUND arcs testpoly
setwindow * mergeddem patch = focalmean(mergeddem) /* the default params should cover any gap setwindow * mergeddem patch2 = focalmean(mergeddem) /* and so forth setwindow mergeddem rename mergeddem uffda mergeddem = merge(uffda,patch1,patch2)
Web Curator: Harvey Greenberg
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