Exporting MrSID Files as Full-Resolution TIF Files


Things have changed since I last visited Lizardtech's website! To download Lizardtech products, go to https://lizardtech.com/download. They used to have a free "MrSID Viewer" and a free "MrSID GeoViewer," but now there is only something called GeoExpress View available. It looks like GeoExpress View is expensive, but there may still be a trial version. But if you want to use it for a long time, you may have to register it. The free viewers seem to be no longer available. There does also seem to be a free browser plugin.

In any case, the following info was correct as of October 2003, but things appear to have changed again since then. If you download, install and run a trial of GeoExpress View, you may be able to do the following to Export a MrSID file as a full-resolution TIF file:

1. Start a "New Project"


2. Add New Layer


3. Navigate to your directory where your MrSID files are


4. Now your file should be displayed as a "Layer" in your "Project"


5. Go to Tools > Export


6. You get a variety of Export Options here but the default settings are probably usually all you need


7. Navigate to the directory where you want to save your TIF file


8. Wait for the Export process to finish


Once the Export process is complete, you can view the TIF with standard image-handling software such as Adobe Photoshop, or with GIS software if the original MrSID file contained a geographical coordinate system. NB: A MrSID file that is approximately 50 MB turns into a 660+ MB TIF file.


Email or call with any questions: Charles Kiblinger tel: 5-7981.