All Washington 3.75' quarter quad boundaries in UTM10 as an arc/info export (e00) file. Polygons include the 7.5' data plus QUARTER (1-4), QUADRANT(NW,NE,SE,SW) and XMIN... These coordinates relate to an ongoing scheme to clip DOQQs to the minimum rectangle that will cover the quearter quad in NAD27 or NAD83.
Zone 10 hydrography: USGS 100K-based hydrography files
for western Washington, assembled as an ARC/INFO workspace with a separate
coverage for each 30'X60' quad. (An improved version is under construction.)
Zone 11 hydrography: same thing for eastern Washington
Attribute codes for the hydrography files
WRIA polygons for all of Washington in UTM 10 as e00 file (9214888 bytes zipped to 3131283)
streets for central Puget Sound
King (No, wait, it's really Snohomish!) County 40-foot contours You asked for it. This file is 462,108,736 bytes, and unzips to an ARC/INFO workspace of more than a gigabyte. Contours are reconstructed from USGS 10-meter DEMs. The projection is UTM zone 10 NAD27.
Puget Sound shoreline digitized by DNR from
bluelines on 7.5' quads, as acquired through the Department of Ecology.
State Plane NAD27 (zone 5626)
Same thing in UTM NAD27