/* drawtest.aml /* aml to plot a test of line weights and colored lines /* for evaluating rasterizer/inkjet plotter combinations /* Ralph Haugerud, U.S. Geological Survey /* April 1998 /* rhaugerud@usgs.gov /* to be run from arcplot pagesize 6 10 clear textset font.txt textquality kern textfont Palacio textcolor black textsize 12 pt textjustification CL markerset mineral.mrk markersymbol 105 markersize 0.3 0.7 lineset plotter.lin linesymbol 1 &do n = 1 &to 24 &s mp = [calc %n% * 0.001] &set y = [calc %n% * 0.4] markerpen %mp% marker 1 %y% move 1.5, %y% text %mp% linesize %mp% line 2 %y% 3 %y% &end