/* makeinkjetpat.aml /* aml to make a shadeset optimized for the HP650C /* Ralph Haugerud, U.S. Geological Survey /* Harvey Greenberg, Geological Sciences, University of Washington /* April 1998 /* rhaugerud@usgs.gov /* hgreen@u.washington.edu /* /* to be run from ARCPLOT /* edit following two lines to change linewidths for all symbols &set thick = .007 &set thin = .003 /* edit following to change colors that symbols are created in &set colors = [unquote 'cyan magenta yellow black white red green blue'] &set n = 1 shadedelete ALL /* clear all current symbols shadetype randommarker 20 87 shadesize 0.1 shadeseparation 0.03 0.03 shadesize 0.08 0.08 shadecolor brown shadeput %n% &call IncrementN shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 5 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 24 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 64 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 104 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 513 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 527 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 533 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadelayer 1 shadetype randommarker 35 54 shadeseparation 0.1 0.1 shadesize 0.08 0.08 shadelayer 2 shadetype randommarker 35 54 shadeseparation 0.07 0.07 shadesize 0.02 0.02 shadeput %n% &call SaveMany shadetype marker 35 10 shadesize 0.3 0.3 shadeseparation 0 0 shadedeletelayer 2 shadeput %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 585 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 511 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany shadecopy from rockpat7.shd 573 %n% shadesymbol %n% &call SaveMany &type The maximum shade number is [calc %n% - 1] &type Use SYMBOLDUMP SHADE SCREEN 1 [calc %n% - 1] ' to view shades.' shadesave inkjetpat.shd &return /********************* &routine SaveMany shadedelete %n% &s n = [calc [trunc [calc ( %n% + 8 ) / 10]] * 10 + 1] &call ThinShadePen &call SaveInColors &s n = [calc [trunc [calc ( %n% + 8 ) / 10]] * 10 + 1] &call ThickShadePen &call SaveInColors &return &routine SaveInColors &do OneColor &list %colors% &s color = %OneColor% &call saveOneColor &end &return &routine saveOneColor shadelayer 1 shadecolor %color% shadelayer 2 shadecolor %color% shadeput %n% shadelayer 1 &call IncrementN &return &routine ThickShadePen shadelayer 1 shadepen %thick% shadelayer 2 shadepen %thick% shadelayer 1 &return &routine ThinShadePen shadelayer 1 shadepen %thin% shadelayer 2 shadepen %thin% shadelayer 1 &return &routine IncrementN &s n = [calc %n% + 1] &return &return