How close are critical facilities to young faults?
Lab 5. Working with vector data and Info: relates, tables, reselect ,
et cetera
- Acquire GIS data files
- Import data
- Familiarize yourself
with the data
- Prepare a units-contacts-faults
- Relate arcs to adjoining
- Relate unit code to Units
- Attribute fault segments
with age of youngest adjoining unit
- Save your relates
- Find minimum and maximum
ages for all faults
- Make a fault cover
and tie it to constraints on age of faulting
- Select Quaternary faults
- Find distances
of schools and hospitals from nearest fault
- Make a map
- Prepare a report
- Step 4 is best accomplished by running script fix1.aml (/jo1/topog/ess590h/class/lab5/fix1.aml).
- Steps 5 - 12 are scripted in fix2.aml (same location), but I encourage
you to work at least some of these steps out at the keyboard. Even better
is to write your own script!
- You will need to write a script for step 13.
Acquire GIS data files
Critical facilities:
Go to
select DATA
select a GIS Layer:
Hospitals, click
submit, click on FTP
Schools (K-12),
click submit, click on FTP
Save files to your lab5 subdirectory
How did I find this?
> Washington state data and data
> General Statewide Information by themes
> Human and Cultural Geography
> Geographic information systems / Washington State Department of Health
Actually, first I googled on Yakima County GIS
data , found an index page at WSU that took me to Yakima County's
online map surver, played with it and found that it wouldn't serve data,
went back to the WSU index page, and followed a link that put me in WAGDA.
I should have known.
Go to
, click your way to the 1:100K Washington geology, created by the Division
of Geology and Earth Resources (WaDGER), and download the Yakima quadrangle
( You also should get the accessory info files and look up tables
( and Look at the metadata file while you are
there. While it is open, save a copy to your lab5 subdirectory. (File>SaveAs).
Look through this file now, or do so later.
Import data into Arc
This gets tricky. contains a zipped workspace--that is, when unzipped,
it creates a bunch of new info files that may overwrite existing info files.
So we unzip BEFORE we bring anything else into Arc. Do this, start
Arc, try shapearc hosp03 hosp03, and you will get a "cannot create
INFO file" error. Why? The permissions on the new info directory (and all
the other files created when you unzipped q505) are read-only. So we have
to change permissions (chmod) recursively (-R), adding write
permission (+w) for all files and directories (*).
system% unzip
system% unzip
system% unzip
system% unzip
system% unzip sch*
system% chmod -R +w *
system% arc
(If you are on Windows, do this by pointing and clicking, then fire up Arc).
Note that unzipping sch_spi.exe has created a new subdirectory with two levels
of subdirectory within it. Is the subdirectory convenient? (Yes.)
Are the additional levels of subdirectory convenient? (No.)
Arc: shapearc hosp03 hospitals
Arc: shapearc ntgis/xfer/update/sch_spi schools
q505cont is big and we don't need it. So kill it:
Arc: kill q505cont all
We will also import some INFO tables:
Arc: import info gunit.main gunit.main
Arc: import info
Familiarize yourself
with the data
Describe cover gunit:
Arc: describe gunit
What projection is gunit in? What units? Describe the coverages hospitals
and schools. What projections and units are they in? If you look at a directory
listing, you will see a couple of *.htm files. Open these with your
browser and skim them. These are typical metadata files.
What are the attributes of gunit? What information is in tables gunit.main
Arc: items gunit.pat
Arc: items gunit.aat
Arc: items gunit.main
Arc: items
If you haven't already done so, look at the metadata file for the geologic
map-data that you downloaded (perhaps named geomap.tx
Prepare a units-contacts-faults
Unfortunately, WDGER did not choose to keep fault segments that are
not contacts in the units+contacts coverage (named gunit), but put
them into a separate gfaults coverage. Because these coverages are
so well constructed it is generally possible to fix this. The process is,
unfortunately, somewhat convoluted. So I have coded it for you. Copy
fix1.aml from its home in /jo1/topog/ess590h/class/lab5 to your
lab5 subdirectory. If you are curious (you should be),
look at it to see what it does. Then
Arc: &r fix1
This will make a new coverage, gunit2, that has units-contacts-faults in
one layer, and topology.
Relate arcs to adjoining
This is so useful that I keep a macro handy to do it. Copy /jo1/topog/ess590h/class/lab5/addpolyrel.aml
to your lab5 subdirectory. Again, look at addpolyrel.aml to see what it does.
Arc: &r addpolyrel gunit2
You can now ask an arc about the attributes of its adjoining polys.
Relate unit code to
Units table
The geologic identities of polygons in gunit and gunit2 are carried in attribute
GUNIT.LABEL.CD. This short text string, unfortunately, doesn't tell us much
about the unit! More extensive information on map units is summarized in
table GUNIT.MAIN. To find out the full name, or age, or lithology of the
unit that comprises a particular polygon, it is convenient to establish a
relate between attribute GUNIT.LABEL.CD and GUNIT.MAIN
Arc: relate add
Relation Name: un
Table Identifier: gunit.main
Database Name: info
INFO Item:
Relate Column:
Relate Type: ordered
Relate Access: RO
Relation Name: <return>
This relate is ORDERED, which requires that the related table be sorted on
the Relate Column. Is this true of GUNIT.MAIN?
Arc: tables
Tables: sel gunit.main
Tables: list
Go through a couple of pages, then answer N to the Continue?
prompt. Evidently this table is not sorted on GUNIT.LABEL.CD. Fix this:
Tables: sel gunit.main
Tables: sort
Tables: list
What else is in gunit.main?
Tables: items
Note items and gunit.age.txt. What are these?
Tables: list gunit.age.txt
Tables: sort
Tables: list gunit.age.txt
Aha! An ordered numeric age scale, more or less. Restore sorting by
and quit:
Tables: sort
Tables: quit
Attribute fault segments
with age of youngest adjoining unit
Tables: additem gunit2.aat flt.seg.age 5 5 N 2
Tables: sel gunit2.aat
Tables: calc flt.seg.age = rp//un//
Tables: resel lp//un// < flt.seg.age
Tables: calc flt.seg.age = lp//un//
Tables: quit
Read on-line help for RELATE . The above statements
- add a new field, flt.seg.age, to the record for each arc in
the units-contacts-faults coverage
- select the arc attribute table
- set flt.seg.age equal to the age of the unit that comprises
the right-hand polygon
- if the unit of the left-hand poly is younger, set flt.seg.age
to the age of that unit
To see what you have done, look at gunit2 with ArcEdit
Arc: display 9999 3
Arc: ae
Arcedit: ec gunit2
Arcedit: ef arc
Arcedit: de arc
Arcedit: draw
Arcedit: sel = 21
Arcedit: ds /* abbreviation for drawselect
Arcedit: list flt.seg.age
Relative ages range from 2.0 to 10.5, while fault segment type is 13 or 15.
What do these latter numbers mean? Time to add another relate:
Arcedit: relate add
Relation Name: ftype
Table Identifier:
Database Name: info
INFO Item:
Relate Column:
Relate Type: ordered
Relate Access: RO
Relation Name: <return>
Now, what were the items in table
Arcedit: arc items
EXPLANATION is probably what we want.
Arcedit: list flt.seg.age ftype//explanation
Some fault segments are concealed and are bounded by (actually, overlain
by) units with relative ages of 2.0 and 6.0. Other fault segments bound (and
presumably cut) units with ages of 6.0 to 10.5. The minimum age and maximum
age of this particular fault are both 6.0, or Pliocene.
Save your relates
You have created several relates. It is a bother to recreate them for each
Arc session. Save them:
Arcedit: quit
Arc: relate save gunit2 .rel
Later, at another Arc session, you can restore these relates with
Arc: relate restore gunit2.rel
If you copy or export cover gunit2, the relates
will travel with it.
Find minimum and
maximum ages for all faults
Read online Help on statistics.
Arc: relate restore gunit2.rel
Arc: Tables
Tables: sel gunit2.aat
Tables: resel > 0
Tables: resel ftype//explanation NC 'concealed'
Tables: statistics max_age
Statistics: min flt.seg.age
Statistics: END
Tables: sel gunit2.aat
Tables: resel > 0
Tables: resel ftyp//explanation CN 'concealed'
Tables: statistics min_age
answer Y
Tables: sel max_age
Tables: sort
Faults that are entirely concealed will not have the maximum age set--and
the default is 0.0. This should be set to some arbitrarily large value:
Tables: resel min-flt.seg.age = 0.0
Tables: calc min-flt.seg.age = 99.0
Tables: sel min_age
Tables: sort
Tables: quit
Make a fault cover
and tie it to constraints on age of faulting
Arc: dissolve gfault gfault2 line
This turns the 800 arcs that comprise gfault into a new coverage
gfault2 with a hundred or so arcs, by joining all arcs that (a)
connect at a pseudonode (only two arcs joined at that point) and (b) have
common values for item
Now, using item, add relates to our tables min_age
and max_age:
Arc: relate add
Relation Name: min
Table Identifier: min_age
Database Name: info
INFO Item:
Relate Column:
Relate Type: ordered
Relate Access: RO
Relation Name: max
Table Identifier: max_age
Database Name: info
INFO Item:
Relate Column:
Relate Type: ordered
Relate Access: RO
Relation Name: <return>
Arc: relate save gfault2.rel
Select Quaternary faults
Arc: ae
Arcedit: ec gfault2
Arcedit: ef arc
Arcedit: sel max//min-flt.seg.age <= 6.0
/* cuts Pliocene strata
Arcedit: resel min//max-flt.seg.age <= 5.0
/* overlapping strata are "Pleistocene to Miocene" or
/* i.e., not capped by Pliocene or older strata
Arcedit: put qfaults
Arcedit: quit
Find distance
from schools and hospitals to nearest Quaternary fault
Read about the near command in online Help.
Arc: near schools qfaults line [calc 3280.8 * 20]
Arc: near hospitals qfaults line [calc 3280.8 * 20]
(This only calculates the distance for schools and hospitals within 20 km.)
Make a map
Write a short ArcPlot script to make a page-size map of your results. It
might look something like
pagesize 8.5 11
mapextent gunit
mapunits feet
mapscale auto
mapposition cen 4.25 6
arcs qfaults
markerset plotter.mrk
markersymbol 1
points schools
points hospitals
markersymbol 38
resel schools point distance <> 0
resel schools point distance <= 5280
points schools
markersymbol 98
resel hospitals point distance <> 0
resel hospitals point distance <= 5280
points hospitals
Something prettier--e.g. a base, defined scale, your name and the date, a
title--is OK! Refine the script while drawing to the screen (display
9999 2). Change to display 1040, rerun your script to write a graphics metafile,
and quit Arcplot. Use gra2ep to turn your graphics metafile to an Epson-format
plot file for Buddy. Print your map.
Prepare a report
- Include your map and any scripts you wrote or modified.
- Discuss what could be wrong with this analysis.
- Speculate on how much work it would now be to repeat this exercise
with another quadrangle of WaDGER 1:100K digital geology
Hint 1:
Arc: labelerrors gunit2
You should always get polygon #1 with 0 label points--the universe polygon,
that which encloses everything. If you get others, look at them in ArcEdit.
First, note the polygon # that you want to observe.
Arc: ae
Arcedit: display 9999 3
Arcedit: ec gunit2
Arcedit: ef poly
Arcedit: de poly
Arcedit: de node dangle
Arcedit: draw
Arcedit: sel $recno = <nnnn> /* use polygon # reported by labelerrors
Arcedit: ds /* short for drawselect
Arcedit: mape select
Arcedit: draw
Hint 2:
What is happening outside the map area?
Hint 3:
What convention has the author of this geologic map used for mapping a buttress
unconformity at a fault-line scarp?
Hint 4:
How good is the geologic map?