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Earth and Space Sciences ESS 421
Winter Quarter
Introduction to Geological Remote Sensing

These articles are in PDF format

Clark, Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals
Mushkin & Gillespie, Estimating Sub-pixel roughness
Salisbury, Major Spectral Features of Minerals
Siegal & Gillespie
Weeks, etal, Inversions of SIR-C and AIRSAR Data
Smith, etal, Vegetation in the Deserts: I
Gillespie, etal, Mapping Alluvial Fans
Kane, etal, Interpretation and topographic compensation
Mushkin, etal, Mapping sub-pixel surface roughness on Mars
Smith, etal, The effect of obliteration on crater-count chrononlogies
    W. M. Keck Remote Sensing and Planetary Sciences Laboratory
    Department of Earth and Space Sciences
    University of Washington

    Box 351310
    Seattle, WA  98195