// This macro demonstrates macro programming // techniques, and also provides a little relaxation. // To start, select the ImageJ window and press 'a'. // global variables var window_width = 480; var window_height = 300; var xori = 5; var yori = window_height-5; var tsize = 8; var color = 25; var background = 80; var tx, hit, shots, newgame, istext; var x1, y1, x2, y2; showMessage("Artillery", "To run this macro, install it, then press 'a'."); macro "Artillery [a]" { requires("1.34g"); if (!isOpen("Artillery")) new_game(); if (selectionType==-1) { if (!newgame) { position_target(); reset(); } shots = 0; hit = false; if (!newgame) show_status(); setTool(4); newgame=false; makeLine(xori, yori, xori+80, yori-100); } else { getLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lw); if (x1==-1) { makeLine(xori, yori, xori+80, yori-100); getLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, lw); } if (istext) clear_text(0, 0, window_width, 110); dx=x2-x1; dy=y2-y1; alpha = abs(atan2(dy, dx)); strength = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); shoot(alpha, strength/2); log_action(alpha, strength); if (hit) splash(tx+tsize/2, yori, 0.9, 100); } } //macro "Set Target Size" { // tsize = getNumber("Target Size:", tsize); // draw_shootingpoint(); //} function log_action(alpha,strength) { autoUpdate(false); clear_text(window_width-110, 0, 110, 42); setFont("SansSerif", 14); setColor(255, 100, 0); setJustification("right"); drawString("Angle: "+round(alpha/3.1415926535*180), window_width-10, 20); drawString("Strength: "+round(strength), window_width-10, 40); shots++; if (x1!=xori||y1!=yori) makeLine(xori, yori, xori+(x2-x1), yori-(y1-y2)); } function shoot(alpha, strength) { beep(); color += 25; if (color>240) color = 50; x=1; y=1; while ((x-5)) { y=-0.5*10/((strength*cos(alpha))*(strength*cos(alpha)))*x*x+x*tan(alpha) ; if (((xori+x)>=(tx-tsize/2))&&((xori+x)<=(tx+tsize/2))&&((yori-y)>=(yori-tsize/2))&&((yori-y)<=(yori+tsize/2))) hit = true; setPixel (xori+x, yori-y, color); x += 0.5; } } function position_target() { tx = xori+(random()*(window_width-xori-tsize)); if (tx="1.37e") call("ij.gui.ImageWindow.centerNextImage"); newImage('Artillery', '8-bit black', window_width, window_height, 1); run("Fire"); position_target(); reset(); setFont("SansSerif", 18); setJustification("center"); setColor(255, 100, 0); drawString("Artillery", window_width/2, 30); drawString("Shoot from lower left corner to the box", window_width/2, 60); drawString("target. Define shooting vector with a ", window_width/2, 80); drawString("line selection and press 'a' to fire.", window_width/2, 100); newgame = true; istext = true; } function reset() { setColor(0, 0, background); fillRect(0, 0, window_width, window_height); setColor(255, 0, 0); fillRect(xori-2, yori, 5, 5); // shoting point fillRect(tx, yori-tsize/2, tsize, tsize); // target } function clear_text(x, y, width, height) { //print("clear_text:", x, y, width, height); setColor(0, 0, background); fillRect(x, y, width, height); istext = false; } function show_status() { setFont("SansSerif", 14); setColor(255, 100, 0); setJustification("center"); drawString("Define shooting vector with line selection and run again ('a')", window_width/2, 30); istext = true; } function splash(xs, ys, angle, number) { run("Select None"); reset(); background = 0; inc = 10; foreground = 250; for (i=0; i0.5) direction=1; else direction=-1; background += inc; if (background>140 || background1) s = "s"; drawString("You did it in "+shots+" shot"+s, window_width/2, 80); drawString("Press 'a' to play again", window_width/2, 195); }