// This macro demonstrates how to use the // getDirectory() function. print("home: " + getDirectory("home")); // requires 1.34o or later print("startup: " + getDirectory("startup")); // requires 1.34o or later //print("current: " + getDirectory("current")); // requires 1.36a or later print("plugins: " + getDirectory("plugins")) print("macros: " + getDirectory("macros")); print("image: " + getDirectory("image")); print("temp: " + getDirectory("temp")); print("user selected: " + getDirectory("Select a Directory")); // Open an image in the "images" folder in the users home directory. // The "/" path separator works on all platforms, including Windows. // It is always added to the end of paths returned by getDirectory(). dir = getDirectory("home") + "images/"; open(dir+"Blobs.tif"); // Open a lookup table in the "luts" folder in the ImageJ folder. open(getDirectory("startup") + "luts/cool.lut");