// ROI Manager Stack Demo // // This macro demonstrates how to use the "count" // "reset", "add", "select" and "deselect" options of // the roiManager() function. It creates a 100 slice // stack, creates an oval selection for each slice // and adds it to the ROI Manager, then it restores // each of the 100 selections and measures the // area and mean. requires("1.34k"); saveSettings(); newImage("Test Stack", "8-bit black", 500, 500, 100); restoreSettings(); if (roiManager("count")>0) roiManager("reset"); for (i=1; i<=nSlices; i++) { setSlice(i); makeOval(i*2, i*2, i*4, i*4); roiManager("add"); setColor(i+99); fill(); } n = roiManager("count"); for (i=0; i