// Calculator Tool // Background image modified from WWW.DATAMATH.ORG CALCULATOR MUSEUM // Do not trust the accuracy of the results. // Edit first line for the URL to the calculator image. var bg = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/images/TI-1766.jpg"; var op = ""; var s = ""; var curN = 0; var mem = 0; macro "Calculator Tool - C000 T2508+ T8408x T2c08/ T8c08=" { getCursorLoc(x, y, z, flags); col = floor((x-10)/33.75); row = floor((y-147)/32.5); button=-1; if ((col>-1)&&(col<5)&&(row>-1)&&(row<5)) button = row*5+col; //print('button:', button); if (button==0) {curN=0; op=""; display("0");} if (button==10) {display(" IJ-Calc"); curN=0; op="";} if (button==20) {showMessageWithCancel("Calculator","Exit ?");close();exit();} if ((button>5)&&(button<9)) press(button+1); if ((button>10)&&(button<14)) press(button-7); if ((button>15)&&(button<19)) press(button-15); if (button==1) mem=0; if (button==2) display(mem); if (button==3) mem=mem-curN; if (button==4) mem=mem+curN; if (button==21) press(0); if (button==22) {if (indexOf(curN,".")==-1) press(".");} if (button==15) {curN=-1*curN;display(curN);} if (button==5) {curN=sqrt(curN);display(curN);} if (button==24) {op=""+op+curN+"+";curN=0;} if (button==19) {op=""+op+curN+"-";curN=0;} if (button==14) {op=""+op+curN+"*";curN=0;} if (button==9) {op=""+op+curN+"/";curN=0;} if (button==23) { op=op+curN; theMacro = "result="+op+"; return toString(result));"; //from evaldemo res=eval(theMacro); l=lengthOf(res); if(l>9) res=substring(res,0,3)+substring(res,indexOf(res,"E"),l); display(res); op=""; } } macro "Calculator Tool Selected" { if (!isOpen("Calculator")) { if (getVersion>="1.37e") call("ij.gui.ImageWindow.centerNextImage"); run("URL...", "url=["+bg+"]"); display(" IJ-Calc"); rename("Calculator"); curN = 0; } } function display(s){ setColor(124,135,121); fillRect(40, 30, 116, 18); if((parseInt(s)==0)&&(indexOf(s,".")==-1)) s=0; setFont("Monospaced",15,"antialiased"); setJustification("right"); setForegroundColor(100,100,100); drawString(s,163,47); setForegroundColor(0,0,0); drawString(s,161,48); curN=s; } function press(n) { //print('press:', n, curN); if (curN==0) curN=""+curN+n; else { curN=""+curN; if (lengthOf(curN)<11) curN=""+curN+n; } display(curN); }