//Title: MacrosAndToolsUpdater-Tool //First version: 30/08/2006 // The MacrosAndToolsUpdater-Tool perfoms a live update of the ImageJ macros repertory. // The tool looks for new and updated macros and tools, and install them. The old versions // are archived. An installation report is given. // For a routine use, a plugin shortcut can be installed using the MacroPluginShortcutsTool.txt // available at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/tools/MacroPluginShortcutsTool.txt // Author : Gilles Carpentier // Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, // Universite Paris 12 Val de Marne, France. var distantmacrosrep = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/"; var distanttoolsrep = "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/tools/"; // set the next line to the url of the macro list var urllist="http://image.bio.methods.free.fr/ij/ijupdatetest/ListOfMacros.txt";distantmacrolink = ""; var KindOfMacro=0,report=0,updates=0,nMacroinL=0,nToolinL=0,TheReport=""; macro "On Line Macro Global Update Tool- 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"{ } macro "On Line Macro Global Update Tool Selected" { requires("1.37q"); distantmacrolink = urllist if (File.openUrlAsString(distantmacrolink) == "") exit ("No internet acces to the macros list"); Dialog.create("Macro & Tool Updater"); Dialog.addMessage("The updater will look for new available macros and tools."); Dialog.addMessage("\nChoose Updater Options:"); Dialog.addCheckbox("- Check for macros and tools updates (longer query):", 0); Dialog.addMessage("\nThis option check for modifications, corrections or \nimprovements for the Macros and Tool already installed \nonto your ImageJ version."); Dialog.addCheckbox("- Make an installation report.", 1); Dialog.show(); updates= Dialog.getCheckbox(); report= Dialog.getCheckbox(); // To get the content of the distant list of macros. showStatus("Internet link..."); macrotextnih =File.openUrlAsString(distantmacrolink); showStatus(""); // To obtain the separated lists of macros and tools from the distant file list. lines=split(macrotextnih,"\n"); getMandTNumber (lines); lMacro = newArray(nMacroinL); lTool = newArray(nToolinL); lMacro = lPlace (lines,lMacro,"Macro "); lTool = lPlace (lines,lTool,"Tool "); // To get the contents of local ImageJ (Macros, Tools) folders, into separated lists of macros and tools. if (getDirectory("macros") == "") exit ("Unable to find the macros directory; something wrong in the ImageJ folder."); macrostoolslocation = getDirectory("macros") + "tools/"; if (File.isDirectory(macrostoolslocation) == 0) exit ("Unable to find the tools directory on the macros directory; something wrong in the ImageJ folder."); macrosfolder = getDirectory("macros"); listofmacro = getFileList(macrosfolder); listoftools = getFileList(macrostoolslocation); NbMacro= getMacroNumber (listofmacro); NbTools= getMacroNumber (listoftools); NbToolsandMacros=(NbMacro + NbTools); FMacros = newArray(NbMacro); FTools =newArray(NbTools); FMacros = lPlace (listofmacro,FMacros,""); FTools = lPlace (listoftools,FTools,""); // To get the new macros and tools present in the list, not into the local ImageJ. nbNewMacro= (nMacroinL - nbThings(lMacro,FMacros)); nbNewTools= (nToolinL - nbThings(lTool,FTools)); NewMacros = newArray(nbNewMacro); NewTools =newArray(nbNewTools); NewMacros = PlaceNewThings (lMacro,FMacros,NewMacros); NewTools = PlaceNewThings (lTool,FTools,NewTools); // To get the new macro and tool updates available for the local ImageJ macros and tools. if(updates==1) { SortedNewMacros = newArray(NbMacro); UpdatedMacro = newArray(Nbmacroupdates (FMacros,lMacro,distantmacrosrep,macrosfolder,SortedNewMacros)); UpdatedMacro = placeUpdatemacro(UpdatedMacro,FMacros,SortedNewMacros); SortedNewTools = newArray(NbTools); UpdatedTool = newArray(Nbmacroupdates (FTools,lTool,distanttoolsrep,macrostoolslocation,SortedNewTools)); UpdatedTool = placeUpdatemacro(UpdatedTool,FTools,SortedNewTools); } else {UpdatedMacro=0;UpdatedTool=0;} // To make a dialog box to the user. Messagenew=""; messageupdat=""; if ((NewMacros.length > 0) || (NewTools.length > 0)) { Messagenew = "- There are "+ NewMacros.length + " new Macro(s), and " + NewTools.length + " new Tool(s), available on line."; } else {Messagenew = "- There is no new Macro or Tool available.";} if(updates==1) { if ((UpdatedMacro.length > 0) || (UpdatedTool.length > 0)) { messageupdat="- There are "+ UpdatedMacro.length + " Macro(s), and " + UpdatedTool.length + " Tool(s), updated available on line."; } else {messageupdat="- No Macro or Tool update available.";} } else {messageupdat = "- Macros and Tools Update were not queried.";} continue = ""; if ((messageupdat != "- Macros and Tools Update were not queried.") || (Messagenew != "- There is no new Macro or Tool available.")) continue = " \n-> Perform the installation?"; if ((Messagenew=="- There is no new Macro or Tool available.") && (messageupdat=="- No Macro or Tool update available.")) exit("No new macro or update available: your ImageJ Macro folder is up to date."); showProgress(1.0); showMessageWithCancel("Installation User Confirmation",Messagenew +"\n"+ messageupdat + "\n"+ continue); if (continue == "") exit; // To perform the installation of the new macros and tools. if ((NewMacros.length > 0) || (NewTools.length > 0)) { instalmacro(NewMacros,distantmacrosrep,macrosfolder); instalmacro(NewTools,distanttoolsrep,macrostoolslocation); } // To update the macros and tools. if (updates==1) { if ((UpdatedMacro.length > 0) || (UpdatedTool.length > 0)) { archmacros(UpdatedMacro,macrosfolder,"Archived Macros"); archmacros(UpdatedTool,macrostoolslocation,"Archived Tools"); instalmacro(UpdatedMacro,distantmacrosrep,macrosfolder); instalmacro(UpdatedTool,distanttoolsrep,macrostoolslocation); } } // To make the installation report. if (report==1) rapport (FMacros,FTools,lMacro,lTool,NewMacros,NewTools,UpdatedMacro,UpdatedTool,macrosfolder,"Update reports"); } // Contents of arrays: // FMacros, FTools ; lists of macros and tools into your ImageJ. // lMacro, lTool ; lists of macros and tools into the online ImageJ macro list. // NewMacros, NewTools ; lists of new macros and tools into the online ImageJ macro list. // UpdatedMacro, UpdatedTool ; lists of macros and tools updates available on the ImageJ web site. macro "Get the list of available macros and tools Tool - 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"{ } macro "Get the list of available macros and tools Tool Selected" { requires("1.37i"); showMessageWithCancel ("Get on line available macro list?"); run("URL...", "url=["+urllist+"]"); } // ---- functions ----- // // Function giving the number (NumberOfMacro) of macros and tools contained in the list (lmacros). function getMacroNumber (lmacros) { NumberOfMacro=0; for (i=0; i 0) { ArchDir = localrep+foldername+File.separator; File.makeDirectory(ArchDir); if (!File.exists(ArchDir)) exit("Unable to create the "+foldername+" directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); } for (i=0; i -1) { while (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ") > -1) { distantmacrolink=substring(distantmacrolink, 0, (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ")))+"%20"+substring(distantmacrolink, (indexOf(distantmacrolink, " ")+1),lengthOf(distantmacrolink) ); } } showStatus("Internet link..."); macrotextnih =File.openUrlAsString(distantmacrolink); showStatus(""); return macrotextnih; } // Function making a detailed report of every list obtained. function rapport (FMacros,FTools,lMacro,lTool,NewMacros,NewTools,UpdatedMacro,UpdatedTool,localrep,foldername) { TheReport=""; getDateAndTime(year, month, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, hour, minute, second, msec); reportname= ""+dayOfMonth+"-"+(month+1) +"-"+year+" at "+hour+"."+minute+"."+second+""; TheReport=TheReport + "Installation report for the update performed on: "+reportname; if ((NewMacros.length+NewTools.length)>0) { TheReport=TheReport +"\n\n--- The following new Macros and Tools have been installed: "; TheReport=TheReport + "("+(NewMacros.length+NewTools.length)+" Macros: "+NewMacros.length+ " \"macros\" & "+NewTools.length+" \"tools\"):"; listit (NewMacros,"Macro "); if (NewTools.length > 0) TheReport=TheReport + "\n--------"; listit (NewTools,"Tool "); } if(updates==1) { TheReport=TheReport + "\n\n--- The following Macros and Tools update have been performed: "; TheReport=TheReport +"("+(UpdatedMacro.length+UpdatedTool.length)+" Macros: "+UpdatedMacro.length+ " \"macros\" & "+UpdatedTool.length+" \"tools\"):"; listit (UpdatedMacro,"Macro "); if (UpdatedTool.length > 0) TheReport=TheReport + "\n--------"; listit (UpdatedTool,"Tool "); } if (updates==0) TheReport=TheReport + "\n\n--- The Macros and Tools updated have not been queried."; TheReport=TheReport + "\n\n--- Note: the list of macros and tools installed onto you computer before this update ---"; TheReport=TheReport + "\n ("+(FMacros.length+FTools.length)+" Macros: "+ FMacros.length + " \"macros\" & "+FTools.length+" \"tools\"):"; listit (FMacros,"Macro ");TheReport=TheReport +"\n--------";listit (FTools,"Tool "); TheReport=TheReport +"\n\n--- Note: the list of macros and tools available at the ImageJ web site ---"; TheReport=TheReport + "\n ("+(lMacro.length+lTool.length)+" Macros: "+ lMacro.length + " \"macros\" & "+lTool.length+" \"tools\"):"; listit (lMacro,"Macro "); TheReport=TheReport +"\n--------"; listit (lTool,"Tool "); UpdateReports = localrep+foldername+File.separator; File.makeDirectory(UpdateReports); if (!File.exists(UpdateReports)) exit("Unable to create the "+foldername+" directory, something wrong in the ImageJ folder"); f= File.open(UpdateReports + reportname+".txt" ); print (f,TheReport); File.close(f); if (File.exists(UpdateReports + reportname+".txt")) open(UpdateReports + reportname+".txt"); }