import ij.plugin.*; import ij.*; import*; import ij.process.*; import*; /** This plugin opens images in the IPLab/Windows (.IPL) format. */ public class IPLab_Reader extends ImagePlus implements PlugIn { boolean littleEndian; RandomAccessStream f; boolean isColor48; int nextBlock; int itag; public void run(String arg) { OpenDialog od = new OpenDialog("Open IPLab...", arg); String directory = od.getDirectory(); String name = od.getFileName(); if (name==null) return; IJ.showStatus("Opening: " + directory + name); open(directory, name, arg); } void open(String directory, String name, String arg) { FileInfo fi = null; try { fi = getFileInfo(directory, name); } catch (IOException e) { IJ.showStatus(""); String error = e.getMessage(); if (error==null || error.equals("")) error = ""+e; IJ.showMessage("IPLab Reader", ""+error); return; } if (fi!=null) { FileOpener fo = new FileOpener(fi); ImagePlus imp =; if (imp==null) return; if (isColor48 && imp.getBitDepth()==16 && imp.getStackSize()==3) handleColor48Image(imp); setStack(name, imp.getStack()); setCalibration(imp.getCalibration()); if (arg.equals("")) show(); } } void handleColor48Image(ImagePlus imp) { ImageStack stack = imp.getStack(); stack.setSliceLabel( "Red", 1); stack.setSliceLabel( "Green", 2); stack.setSliceLabel( "Blue", 3); convertColor48ToRGB(imp); } void convertColor48ToRGB(ImagePlus imp) { int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); ImageProcessor ip; ImageStack stack1 = imp.getStack(); ImageStack stack2 = new ImageStack(width, height); for (int i=1; i<=stack1.getSize(); i++) { ip = stack1.getProcessor(i); ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.duplicate(); stack2.addSlice(null, ip2); } ImagePlus imp2 = imp.createImagePlus(); imp2.setStack("RGB of "+imp.getTitle(), stack2); ImageProcessor ip2 = imp2.getProcessor(); StackConverter sc = new StackConverter(imp2); sc.convertToGray8(); ImageConverter ic = new ImageConverter(imp2); ic.convertRGBStackToRGB();; } FileInfo getFileInfo(String directory, String name) throws IOException { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(); f = new RandomAccessStream(new RandomAccessFile(directory + name, "r")); //f = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(directory+name)); int b0=getByte(), b1=getByte(), b2=getByte(), b3=getByte(); if (b0==105&&b1==105&&b2==105&&b3==105) // "iiii" littleEndian = true; else if (b0==109&&b1==109&&b2==109&&b3==109) // "mmmm" littleEndian = false; else throw new IOException("This does not appear to be an IPLab/Windows (.IPL) file."); f.skip(8); if (!(getByte()==100&&getByte()==97&&getByte()==116&&getByte()==97)) // "data" throw new IOException("This does not appear to be an IPLab/Windows (.IPL) file."); int blockSize = getInt(); nextBlock = 16 + blockSize; fi.width = getInt(); fi.height = getInt(); int nChannels = getInt(); int zPlanes = getInt(); int tVolumes = getInt(); int dataType = getInt(); fi.fileFormat = fi.RAW; fi.fileName = name; = directory; fi.nImages = zPlanes*tVolumes; fi.intelByteOrder = littleEndian; fi.offset = 44; switch (dataType) { case 0: if (nChannels==3) fi.fileType = FileInfo.RGB_PLANAR; else fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY8; break; case 1: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY16_SIGNED; break; case 2: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY16_UNSIGNED; if (fi.nImages==1) fi.nImages = nChannels; isColor48 = nChannels==3; break; case 3: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY32_INT; break; case 4: fi.fileType = FileInfo.GRAY32_FLOAT; break; } String tag = null; do { tag = getNextBlock(); if (tag==null) break; if (tag.equals("unit")) getUnits(fi); else if (itag==0x2d45c4f6) decodeAcquireTag(fi); } while (tag!=null); f.close(); return fi; } String getNextBlock() throws IOException {; String tag = getString(); int blockSize = getInt(); //IJ.log(blockSize+" " + nextBlock+" \""+tag+"\"" + " " +Integer.toHexString(itag)); nextBlock = nextBlock + 8 + blockSize; if (blockSize==0) return null; else return tag; } void getUnits(FileInfo fi) throws IOException { float[] unitsPerPixel = new float[5]; int[] unit = new int[5]; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { getInt(); unitsPerPixel[i] = getFloat(); unit[i] = getShort(); getShort(); // skip 2 filler bytes //IJ.log(i+" "+unitsPerPixel[i]+" "+unit[i]); } if (unitsPerPixel[0]!=0.0) { fi.pixelWidth = 1.0/unitsPerPixel[0]; fi.pixelHeight = fi.pixelWidth; } switch (unit[0]) { case 1: fi.unit="um"; break; case 2: fi.unit="mm"; break; case 3: fi.unit="cm"; break; case 4: fi.unit="m"; break; case 5: fi.unit="inch"; break; case 6: fi.unit="ft"; break; } } void decodeAcquireTag(FileInfo fi) throws IOException { f.skip(1276); double zSpacing = getFloat(); //IJ.log("decodeAcquireTag: "+zSpacing); if (zSpacing>0.0) fi.pixelDepth = zSpacing; } int getByte() throws IOException { int b =; if (b ==-1) throw new IOException("unexpected EOF"); return b; } int getShort() throws IOException { int b0 = getByte(); int b1 = getByte(); if (littleEndian) return ((b1<<8) + b0); else return ((b0<<8) + b1); } final int getInt() throws IOException { int b0 = getByte(); int b1 = getByte(); int b2 = getByte(); int b3 = getByte(); if (littleEndian) return ((b3<<24) + (b2<<16) + (b1<<8) + b0); else return ((b0<<24) + (b1<<16) + (b2<<8) + b3); } float getFloat() throws IOException { return Float.intBitsToFloat(getInt()); } String getString() throws IOException { //reads next 4 bytes and returns them as a string byte[] list = new byte[4];; if (littleEndian) itag = ((list[0]<<24) + (list[1]<<16) + (list[2]<<8) + list[3]); else itag = ((list[3]<<24) + (list[2]<<16) + (list[1]<<8) + list[0]); return new String(list); } } /* #define kAcquireTagID 0xF6C5462D//TAG value use this to identify the tag struct AcquireXTag { char cTag[4]; //0xF6C5462D //tag id //check first four bytes for this long hex value long lSize; // 2016 bytes size of the tag without tag and size (2024 - 8) float fVersion; //4 long lTime; //4 will cast to time_t structure for time extraction char szExpName[32]; //32 Exp. Name char cExpID[16]; //16 GUID per experiment char cGeneralUnused[512]; //512 (568) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////Camera Settings/ ////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char szCameraName[32]; //32 Camera Name long lXResolution; //4 CC X Max long lYResolution; //4 CCD Y Max long lLeft; //4 CCD Coordinates used long lRight; //4 long lTop; //4 long lBottom; //4 long lBinX; //4 Binning in X direction long lBinY; //4 Binning in Y Direction float fExposure; //4 Exposure float fCalibrationXY; //4 XY image calibration for current binn long lCalibrationXYUnits; //4 Units for the XY calibration long lGain; //4 Camera Gain long lEGain; //4 Multiplicative/Intensifier Gain long lCameraSpeed; //4 Speed setting for camera char szCameraSpeed[32]; //32 Speed as string long lCameraOffset; //4 Camera Offset long lTriggerMode; //4 Trigger mode char szTriggerMode[32]; //32 Trigger mode as string long lBitDepth; //4 char cCameraUnused[508]; //508 (672) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////Microscope Settings/////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Z Axis Settings char szZAxis[32]; //32 Z Axis Name float fZStepsPerMicron; //4 Steps per micron for Z Axis float fZSpacing; //4 Z Spacing //1276 (568+672+36) float fZCurPos; //4 Z Current Position //XY Stage Settings char szXYStage[32]; //32 XY Stage Name float fXStepsPerMicron; //4 X Steps per micron float fYStepsPerMicron; //4 Y Steps per micron float fXPosition; //4 X Current position float fYPosition; //4 Y Current position long lCurRow; //4 Current array row long lCurCol; //4 Current array col long lCurSuperRow; //4 Current super row long lCurSuperCol; //4 Current super col //Shutter Settings char szShutterName[32]; //32 Shutter Name float fShutterDelay; //4 Shutter Delay //Filter Settings char szFilterName[32]; //32 Filter Name long lFilterPos; //4 Filter Position long lFilterWavelength; //4 Filter Wavelength char szFilterPosName[32]; //32 Filter Position Name //Objective Settings float fNA; //4 Numerical Aperature float fRefactiveIndex; //4 Refractive Index long lObjectivePos; //4 Objective Position char szObjectiveName[32]; //32 Objective Name char szObjectivePosName[32]; //32 Objective Position Name //Other Settingsing float fMagFactor; //4 Magnification factor other than objective char cMicUnused[480]; //480 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }; */