import*; /* The 1.1.4 compiler wants this in a separate file class AatError extends Exception { public AatError(String s) { super(s); } } */ class Pat { /** Copyleft Harvey Greenberg, UW Mar 24 2000 Based on This class is equivalent to an ARC/INFO PAT (point/polygon attribute table) It handles the default PAT items, and any other items as well. It contains a description of the nonstandard items, as well as arrays of actual objects. The constructor method reads the binary version of the item list. Three sets of arrays are maintained to store data: string integer double character X Integer X X Numeric X X Binary int X Float X date X The user has the choice of accessing Integer (in the INFO sense of the word) and Numeric data as string or binary, but it is the binary value that gets written back to the PAT. Reviewing the 1.1.1 docs, I wonder if it's worth implementing BigInteger for I and BigDecimal for N. VERSION 1.0 Mar 24 2000 based on AAT version 1.11 Jan 03 2000 Does this work? 2/12/2002: made a bunch of fixes, but failed to make it work for me. 5/30/2002: removed an unneccessary loop, added missing items in write Still not tested Caveats: Error handling is neither complete nor elegant Max character item = maxl bytes. Larger values will crash gracefully. long integers are not handled well Although this has passed initial testing, it is not guaranteed to not trash your PAT file. This was compiled and checked under JDK 1.1.1 under Solaris. Public Methods: Pat (String covername) throws IOException, AatError { // constructor void writePat() throws IOException { void report(){ // first calling method void report(int rec){ // second method. INFO-style numbering starts at 1 int findItem(String itmName) */ int maxl=92; // maximum string length. Larger values will crash // information on PAT String covname ; // File f; int nrecords,recordLength,defaultItems=4; boolean odd,verbose=true,isDouble; // 2/21/2002 // information on extra items int nitems,extrabytes; short itemLength[],itemType[],totalitems; String itemName[]; // default items double area[]; double perimeter[]; int recno[]; int id[]; // extra items String strings[][]; int ivalues[][]; double dvalues[][]; // This has to be declared here or the throw statement won't work private int rec; Pat (String covername) throws IOException, AatError { // constructor covname = covername; int nread,testlength,anint; byte bytebuff[] = new byte[maxl],testbytes[] = new byte[32]; byte filler; // INFO pads the record with a null boolean matched,minus; short skipflag; String itemFile,tmpstring,teststring; teststring = (new String(covername + ".PAT")).toUpperCase(); testbytes = teststring.getBytes(); testlength = teststring.length(); File f0 = new File ("info/arc.dir"); DataInputStream s0 = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f0)); try { // read file, handling EOF matching: while (true){ nread =,0,32); // read a filename if(nread != 32) // It doesn't seem to throw an exception on EOF throw new AatError("Could not find itemfile name in arc.dir"); matched = true; for(int i=0;i < testlength;i++){ // compare 2 bytearrays; //strings give me trouble if(testbytes[i] != bytebuff[i]){ matched = false; break; } } if (matched){ s0.skipBytes(3); // skip over "ARC" nread =,0,4); itemFile = new String("info/arc" + new String(bytebuff,0,4) + ".nit"); if(verbose)System.out.println("itemFile is " + itemFile); // Check that this is an active entry s0.skipBytes(1); // blank that evens out count totalitems = s0.readShort(); recordLength = s0.readShort(); s0.skipBytes(18); // 16 blanks and short 132? skipflag = s0.readShort(); nrecords = s0.readInt(); if(skipflag != 0) // This is a deleted record s0.skipBytes(312); // to next record else{ if(verbose)System.out.println("Pat item data is in " + itemFile); break matching; } } /* for testing System.out.print(new String(bytebuff,0,24).substring(0,22)); s0.skipBytes(8); for(int j=0;j < 20;j++){ short ll = s0.readShort(); System.out.print(ll + ","); } System.out.println("and"); s0.skipBytes(300); // to next record */ else // not suspected match s0.skipBytes(348); // to next record } // matching } //try catch (IOException e) { throw new AatError("Could not find itemfile name in arc.dir"); } s0.close(); File f1 = new File (itemFile); nitems = (int)(totalitems) - defaultItems; itemName = new String[nitems]; DataInputStream s1 = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f1)); extrabytes = 0; if(nitems > 0){ itemName = new String[nitems]; itemLength = new short[nitems]; itemType= new short[nitems]; s1.skipBytes(4*144); // end of default items; for(int i=0;i < nitems;i++){ nread =,0,16); // read a line of binary item list itemName[i] = new String(bytebuff); itemLength[i] = s1.readShort(); if(itemLength[i] > maxl) { throw new AatError("Recompile with maxl >= " + itemLength[i]); } extrabytes += itemLength[i]; s1.skipBytes(12); itemType[i] = s1.readShort(); // 2=C,3=I,4=N,5=B,6=F s1.skipBytes(112); if(verbose)System.out.println(i + " " + itemName[i] + "l=" + itemLength[i] + " type=" + itemType[i]); } } odd = extrabytes % 2 == 1; s1.close(); /* We figured out how to find this in info/arc.dir recordLength = (defaultItems * 4) + extrabytes; if(isDouble) recordLength += 8; // fixed 2/21/2002 */ // We have general info; now read the actual PAT File f = new File (covername + "/pat.adf"); if(verbose)System.out.println("pat file f is " + f); DataInputStream s = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); /* We figured out how to find this in info/arc.dir nrecords = (int)f.length() / recordLength; */ if(verbose)System.out.println("Reading " + nrecords + " of " + recordLength + " bytes with " + nitems + " extra items"); area = new double[nrecords]; perimeter = new double[nrecords]; recno = new int[nrecords]; id = new int[nrecords]; if(verbose)System.out.println("Reading " + nrecords + " of " + recordLength + " bytes with " + nitems + " extra items"); // 5/30/02 for (int itno=1;itno < nitems;itno++){ strings = new String[nitems][nrecords]; ivalues = new int[nitems][nrecords]; dvalues = new double[nitems][nrecords]; // 5/30/02 } if(verbose)System.out.println("Arrays are declared"); try { for(rec=0;rec < nrecords;rec++){ // unlike arcinfo, number from 0 if(isDouble){ area [rec] = s.readDouble(); perimeter [rec] = s.readDouble(); } else{ area [rec] = s.readFloat(); perimeter [rec] = s.readFloat(); } recno [rec] = s.readInt(); id [rec] = s.readInt(); for (int itno=0;itno < nitems;itno++){ switch (itemType[itno]) { case 2: //character nread =,0,itemLength[itno]); strings[itno][rec] = new String(bytebuff,0,itemLength[itno]); break; case 1: // date (treat like I) case 3: // I nread =,0,itemLength[itno]); strings[itno][rec] = new String(bytebuff,0,itemLength[itno]); // (chokes on blanks!) ivalues[itno][rec] = Integer.parseInt(strings[itno][rec]); anint = 0; // I have trouble with parseInt // CAVEAT, how about negatives? minus = false; for (int j = 0; j < nread; j++){ if(bytebuff[j] != 32) // blank if(bytebuff[j] == 45) minus = true; else anint = anint * 10 + (bytebuff[j] - 48); } if(minus) anint = 0 - anint; ivalues[itno][rec] = anint; break; case 4: // Numeric nread =,0,itemLength[itno]); strings[itno][rec] = new String(bytebuff,0,itemLength[itno]); dvalues[itno][rec] = Double.valueOf(strings[itno][rec]).doubleValue(); break; case 5: // Binary int if(itemLength[itno] == 4) ivalues[itno][rec] = s.readInt(); else ivalues[itno][rec] = (int)s.readShort(); break; case 6: // Float if(itemLength[itno] == 4) dvalues[itno][rec] = (double)s.readFloat(); else dvalues[itno][rec] = s.readDouble(); break; default: throw new AatError("Could not handle data type " + itemType[itno]); } // switch } if(odd) s.skipBytes(1); // fixed 3/11/98 } } catch (IOException e) { throw new AatError("Error reading data record " + rec); } } // end constructor public void writePat() throws IOException { byte bytebuff[] = new byte[maxl],bytebuf2[] = new byte[16],filler=0; int tmp,stringLength,padding; DataOutputStream t = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(covname + "/pat.adf"))); for(int rec=0;rec < nrecords;rec++){ if(isDouble){ t.writeDouble(area[rec]); t.writeDouble(perimeter[rec]); } else{ t.writeFloat((float) area[rec]); t.writeFloat((float) perimeter[rec]); } t.writeInt(recno[rec]); t.writeInt(id[rec]); for (int itno=0;itno < nitems;itno++){ switch (itemType[itno]) { case 2: //character bytebuff = strings[itno][rec].getBytes(); t.write(bytebuff,0,itemLength[itno]); break; case 1: // D case 3: // I case 4: // N if(itemType[itno] == 3 || itemType[itno] == 1) bytebuff = String.valueOf(ivalues[itno][rec]).getBytes(); // Use integer value else bytebuff = String.valueOf(dvalues[itno][rec]).getBytes(); // Use double value stringLength = bytebuff.length; padding = itemLength[itno] - stringLength; if(padding > 0){ // right-justify the number for (int i=0;i < stringLength;i++){ bytebuf2[i + padding] = bytebuff[i]; } for (int i=0;i < padding;i++){ bytebuf2[i] = 32; } t.write(bytebuf2,0,itemLength[itno]); } else t.write(bytebuff,0,itemLength[itno]); break; case 5: // Binary int if(itemLength[itno] == 4) // int t.writeInt(ivalues[itno][rec]); else // short t.writeShort((short)ivalues[itno][rec]); break; case 6: // Float if(itemLength[itno] == 4) // float t.writeFloat((float)dvalues[itno][rec]); else // double t.writeDouble(dvalues[itno][rec]); break; } } if(odd) t.writeByte(filler); } // for } public void report(){ // first calling method String typeName[] = {" "," ","Character","I (BCD integer)","Numeric","Binary integer","Float (or double)"}; System.out.println("PAT has " + nrecords + " records, " + nitems + " extra items, " + extrabytes + " extra bytes"); for(int i=0;i < nitems;i++){ System.out.println(i + itemName[i] + " is type " + typeName[itemType[i]] + ", width =" + itemLength[i]); } } public void report(int rec){ // second method. INFO-style numbering starts at 1 String typeName[] = {" "," ","Character","I (BCD integer)","Numeric","Binary integer","Float (or double)"}; rec--; // We strat our array at zero for(int itno=0;itno < nitems;itno++){ switch (itemType[itno]) { case 2: //character System.out.println(itemName[itno] + ": " + strings[itno][rec]); break; case 3: // I case 5: // Binary int System.out.println(itemName[itno] + ": " + ivalues[itno][rec]); break; case 4: // N case 6: // Float System.out.println(itemName[itno] + ": " + dvalues[itno][rec]); break; } } } public int findItem(String itmName){ String typeName[] = {" "," ","Character","I (BCD integer)","Numeric","Binary integer","Float (or double)"}; // If a non-default data item exists, what's its array index if(verbose) System.out.println("looking for " + itmName); for(int i=0;i < nitems;i++){ if((itemName[i].substring(0,itmName.length())).equalsIgnoreCase(itmName)){ System.out.println(itmName + " is item " + i + " (indexed from 0), it is type " + typeName[itemType[i]]); return i; } } System.out.println("The item "+itmName+" is not present in this PAT."); return -1; } }