Here we begin an exercise in processing a quarter-quad of real data.
This process involves some unix commands (get yourself an emulator if you
don't have the real thing) and ARC/INFO.
We start with the file
The head of the file looks like (with my headers):
stateplane N NAD83 orthometric geoid GPS return scan off-nadir GPS
easting northing height height second number angle angle week
1209310.28 159905.38 269.36 195.74 157173.881390 1 -9.03 8.53 1092
1209309.17 159899.93 269.65 196.04 157173.901022 1 -9.08 8.57 1092
1209305.27 159902.94 269.95 196.33 157173.901070 1 -9.00 8.49 1092
1209301.14 159906.31 270.41 196.79 157173.901118 1 -8.91 8.41 1092
1209311.71 159891.84 269.32 195.71 157173.920607 1 -9.21 8.69 1092
1209307.81 159894.85 269.75 196.14 157173.920655 1 -9.13 8.61 1092
1209303.68 159898.23 270.18 196.56 157173.920703 1 -9.04 8.52 1092
1209299.79 159901.60 270.70 197.09 157173.920751 1 -8.95 8.44 1092
1209295.90 159904.61 270.96 197.35 157173.920799 1 -8.87 8.36 1092
1209311.09 159886.39 269.46 195.84 157173.940239 1 -9.27 8.74 1092
To select last returns:
nawk -f last.nawk 122d5309.txt >xyz_sp
where last.nawk is:
#last.nawk version 1
# read a lidar file and keep the last return
# converts z feet to meters
BEGIN {oldtime = 0}
if (($5 != oldtime) && oldtime != 0){
printf("%10.2f %10.2f %8.2f\n",x,y,z*0.3048)
x = $1
y = $2
z = $4
oldtime = $5
END {printf("%10.2f %10.2f %8.2f\n",x,y,z*0.3048)}
Now let's sort the file and select the lowest Z for
duplicate and near duplicate XY coordinates:
sort xyz_sp > xyz_sp_sort
nawk -f doubles.nawk xyz_sp_sort > goodsp
where doubles.nawk is
# /jo9/topog/lidartins/doubles.nawk version 1
# read a sorted xyz lidar file and keep the lowest of duplicate returns
# harvey really needs only elimination of exact duplicates, but is
# using a tolerance of .02
# Because x is the primary key, the tolerance is not very effective
BEGIN {oldx = 0; oldy = 0; oldz = 0; tol = .021}
# if (($1 == oldx) && $2 == oldy){
dx = $1 - oldx
absdx = (dx>0)?dx:0-dx
dy = $2 - oldy
absdy = (dy>0)?dy:0-dy
if ((absdx+absdy) < tol){
if ($3
The line counts of the files are:
1712104 122d5309.txt terrapoint file
1519673 xyz_sp without first returns
1513707 goodsp min z for near-duplicate points
The two nawks and a sort could have been combined into one pipe.
As long as we have converted Z units to meters, we can use ARC/INFO to
convert to UTM:
arc "project file xyz_sp xyz_utm27 /puppet/esri/prj/spn83toutm27"
tr -s '\011 ' ' ' < paste xyz_utm27 | tr -s '\011 ' ' ' > idxy> idxy
Now we can build apoint coverage. The advantage of building the point coverage
before constructing a TIN is that (provided no points are discarded in
creating the TIN), the point IDs will be retained in ARC/INFO coverages
which are created from the TIN.
generate utmpts; input idxy;points;q
build utmpts point /* alter width
tables;define idz
utmpts-id 4 7 b
z 4 7 f 2
add from idz
sel utmpts.pat
alter utmpts#;;9;;;
alter utmpts-id;;9;;;
joinitem utmpts.pat idz utmpts.pat utmpts-id
createtin tinny .000001 .000001
cover utmpts POINT z
tinarc tinny t122d5309arc line PERCENT
tinarc tinny t122d5309pol poly PERCENT
sel t122d5309arc.aat
alter FNODE#;;9;;;
alter TNODE#;;9;;;
alter LPOLY#;;9;;;
alter RPOLY#;;9;;;
alter t122d5309arc#;;9;;;
alter t122d5309arc-ID;;9;;;
sel t122d5309pol.pat
alter ARC#;;9;;;
alter t122d5309pol;;9;;;
alter t122d5309pol-ID;;9;;;
sel t122d5309pnt.pat
alter t122d5309pnt#;;9;;;
alter t122d5309pnt-ID;;9;;;
additem t122d5309pol.pat t122d5309pol.pat t1 4 7 b
additem t122d5309pol.pat t122d5309pol.pat t2 4 7 b
additem t122d5309.pat t122d5309.pat slope 4 7 f 3
additem t122d5309.pat t122d5309.pat downarc 4 7 b
This gives us ARC/INFO coverages for the points, edges, and polygons
of the TINs. Much useful information has been automatically generated
in these coverages, and more operations can be done quickly through
ARC/INFO commands. However, programs that step through these files are
difficult and slow. Instead, we use a java class that match the arc
attribute table and the point attribute tables. These classes can be used
in a program (under construction) that sums downstream
flows, finds sinks, and makes new connections.