/* maketable150.aml /* For areas that were classified twice, compare old and new classes. /* Discrepencies can be ascribed to a) time b) a half-cell mismatch c) categories not clearly defined in 2007 &s stdcat1 'Bare Ground/Clearcut' &s stdcat2 'Grass/Shrubs/Crops/Early Regrowth' &s stdcat3 'Marsh/Wetland/Shoreline/Shallow Water' &s stdcat4 'Deciduous/Mixed Forest' &s stdcat5 'Water' &s stdcat6 'Mature Coniferous Forest' &s stdcat7 'Young Coniferous Forest' &s stdcat8 'Snow/Ice' &s stdcat9 'Cloud' &s stdcat10 'Open Forest/Regrowth' &s stdcat11 'Sub-Alpine Forest' &s stdcat12 'Low Density Urban' &s stdcat13 'High Density Urban' &s stdcat14 'Cloud Shadow*' &s stdcat15 'Agriculture' &s stdcat16 'Wetlands' &ty [close -all] &ty [delete tablelist.txt -file] &s lun [open tablelist.txt stat -write] &s null [write %lun% X] &do std = 1 &to 16 &s null [write %lun% [value stdcat%std%]] &end &do catwest = 1 &to 16 &s null [write %lun% [value stdcat%catwest%]] &do std = 1 &to 16 clearsel;resel testcase150.vat INFO old_cover83 eq %catwest% resel testcase150.vat INFO LC07RECLS150 eq %std% &if [before [show select testcase150.vat info] ','] ne 0 &then &s null [write %lun% [show select testcase150.vat info 1 item count]] &else &s null [write %lun% ' '] &end &end &s null [close %lun%]