Look here for the newer DEM.

This is the Vashon LiDAR DEM from the 2002 vjtmp (Vashon, Jefferson, Thurston, Mason, Pierce) survey, as posted on pugetsoundlidar.ess.washington.edu These files were prepared with ArcMap GIS software.

Data is rasterized to 6-foot resolution in the State Plane North (NAD83HARN) coordinate system.
On the left you see hypsometric colors over shaded relief (modeling how the surface would look when lit from the northwest.) On the right you see that lidar captures the water surface, showing how the tide changed from one flightline to the next.
You can download the 31,800,546-byte shaded relief and the 189,295,679-byte floating-point elevation. The first tiff file is an 8-bit image that can be displayed by any program that does not choke on the size. Unlike the picture created by GIS, it lacks "pyramids", and will look bad when zoomed out.

The second image is 32-bit floating point. Some software will have trouble with it. GIS sotware can import these files, and can superimpose them on other map data in any coordinate system.

New small surveys: (about 2.3 MB each) All three surveys are rasterized to 3-foot grids. Only Dockton is snapped to the 2002 grid. Robinson Point is in the State Plane South (NAD83HARN) coordinate system.