// An ImageJ macro to test the result of various PlugInFilters // against a list of previously obtained results. // Consistancy between stacks and single-image operations, // correct undo as well as isotropy of filter operations are // also checked. // // version 2007-Jun-19 // Options are explained in more detail below writeResults = false; //usually false, 'true' for learning mode verbose = false; //usually false, 'true' for debugging nStackTests = 6; //usually 6, faster if fewer tests nIsotropyTests = 1; //usually 1 (=none), set to 4 for isotropy tests resultsFile = "FilterTesterTasklist.txt"; //usually "FilterTesterTasklist.txt" setOption("DisableUndo", false); //usually false, true will cause "Fail: undo" errors, //but should not cause any other errors // Set "writeResults" true to create a new list of results // (only do this if you are sure that the current Version of // ImageJ has no bugs) // 'resultsFile' is the name of the file with the commands & results //(it must be in the "macros" folder) //The lines in that file contain (semicolon-delimited): // command-string; options-string; flags; results // The strings should not be enclosed in quotes. // The results are comma-delimited; mean, min, max for each type of // selection and data file type // Flags are bitwise OR of bits: // bit 0 (1) - do on 8-bit image // bit 1 (2) - do on 16-bit image // bit 2 (4) - do on 32-bit image // bit 3 (8) - do on RGB image // bit 4 (16) - do on binary image // bit 5 (32) - do on stacks of the types defined previously // bit 6 (64) - command creates a separate output image (no stack) that should be measured // bit 7 (128) - disable anisotropy tests (if filtering is not isotropic, but works // differently when rotated/flipped, e.g. "Shadow" filters). // bit 8 (256) - disable Undo test // // Lines starting with a character less than '0' (e.g., '#') are comments. // 'nStackTests' is the number of stack tests to do: // Stack tests: 0 = none; 2 = try processing single slice&full stack; 6 = do all tests // Stack test passes are: // 0 = single image // odd = stack, process current slice only // even = stack, process all // startSlice = 1 in pass 1&2; goes up to slice 3 in pass 5&6 // 'nIsotropyTests' is the number of isotropy tests to do (mainly useful when // developing new filters): // 1 - no additional tests, 2 adds 90-degree rotated, 3 adds 180-degree rotated, // 4 adds flipped (i.e., does all isotropy tests) // Initialize saveSettings(); setBatchMode(true); run("Conversions...", "scale weighted"); run("Set Measurements...", " mean min redirect=None decimal=9"); run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1"); //process>binary>options imageTypes = 5; //8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, RGB, binary var types = newArray("8bit","16bit","32bit","RGB","binary"); var selections = newArray("all", "rect", "oval"); var stackTests = newArray("single image", "slice 1 only", "stack currentslice 1", "slice 2 only", "stack currentslice 2", "slice 3 only", "stack currentslice 3") var isotropyTests = newArray("", " isotropy 90degR", " isotropy 180deg", " isotropy flipV"); // see also rotateRoi rotations = newArray("Rotate 90 Degrees Right", "Rotate 90 Degrees Right", "Flip Horizontally"); if (nIsotropyTests < 1) nIsotropyTests = 1; if (nIsotropyTests > 4) nIsotropyTests = 4; cornerPixel = newArray(imageTypes); //the pixel at (0,0) in the unrotated image (to check equal handling of all edges) measure = newArray(43, 34, 20, 20); //coordinates of measure Rectangle rect = newArray(44, 31, 25, 22); //coordinates of rect roi for processing oval = newArray(45, 33, 24, 12); //coordinates of oval roi for processing measureR = newArray(4); //rotated versions for isotropy test rectR = newArray(4); ovalR = newArray(4); var success = true; //remember errors for final status display //create test images of 5 types blobsFile = getDirectory("startup")+"samples"+File.separator+"blobs.gif"; if (File.exists(blobsFile)) open(blobsFile); else run("Blobs (25K)"); var width; width = getWidth(); var height; height = getHeight(); setPixel(49, 44, 254); setPixel(46,33,1); imageID = newArray(imageTypes*nIsotropyTests); //0...3 original of types, 4...7 rotated 90deg (isotropy test), etc. imageID[0] = getImageID(); rename("Test8"); run("Duplicate...", "title=Test16"); run("16-bit"); run("Multiply...", "value=2.333"); imageID[1] = getImageID(); run("Duplicate...", "title=Test32"); run("32-bit"); run("Multiply...", "value=0.0333"); run("Add...", "value=-0.011"); imageID[2] = getImageID(); selectImage(imageID[0]); run("Duplicate...", "title=R"); run("Multiply...", "value=0.6"); selectImage(imageID[0]); run("Duplicate...", "title=G"); run("Multiply...", "value=0.9"); selectImage(imageID[0]); run("Duplicate...", "title=B"); run("Multiply...", "value=1.1"); run("RGB Merge...", "red=R green=G blue=B"); rename("TestRGB"); imageID[3] = getImageID(); selectImage(imageID[0]); run("Duplicate...", "title=TestBinary"); setThreshold(139, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); resetThreshold(); imageID[4] = getImageID(); //create flipped and rotated versions for isotropy tests for (rot = 1; rot < nIsotropyTests; rot++) { rotation = rotations[rot-1]; for (type = 0; type < imageTypes; type++) { selectImage(imageID[(rot-1)*imageTypes+type]); //create new image from previous rotation of same image type titleS="title=[type"+type+"_isotropy"+rot+"]"; run("Duplicate...", titleS); run(rotation); imageID[rot*imageTypes+type] = getImageID(); } } //read tasklist macroDir = getDirectory("macros"); if (File.exists(macroDir+resultsFile)) tasklist = File.openAsString(macroDir+resultsFile); else { print("Tasklist not found at"); print(" "+macroDir+resultsFile); print("A tasklist is available at"); print(" http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/FilterTesterTasklist.txt"); exit(); } tasks = split(tasklist, "\n\r"); startTime = getTime; progress = 0; progressAll = lengthOf(tasks); if (writeResults) { if (File.exists(macroDir+resultsFile+".tmp")) ok = File.delete(macroDir+resultsFile+".tmp"); outFile = File.open(macroDir+resultsFile+".tmp"); } //loop over commands for (iTask = 0; iTask < lengthOf(tasks); iTask++) { if(charCodeAt(tasks[iTask], 0)<48) { // comment line? if (writeResults) print (outFile, tasks[iTask]); // keep comment lines progressAll--; // comment lines don't count as progress } else { // non-comment line taskParts = split(tasks[iTask],";"); if (writeResults) outLine = taskParts[0]+";"+taskParts[1]+";"+taskParts[2]+";"; else { results = split(taskParts[3],","); if (lengthOf(results)<3) { cleanup(imageID); exit("Error: "+taskParts[0]+" - no results in\n"+resultsFile); } } taskParts[1] = replace(taskParts[1],"\\\\n", "\n");// replace escaped linefeeds by real ones flags = parseInt(taskParts[2]); //print(taskParts[0]+": flags="+flags); doStacks = bitSet(flags, 5); separateOutput = bitSet(flags, 6); anisotropic = bitSet(flags, 7); noUndo = bitSet(flags, 8); if (writeResults) lastStackTest = 0; else if (doStacks) lastStackTest = nStackTests; else lastStackTest = 1; //try on single image and slice one of a stack only for (stack = 0; stack <= lastStackTest; stack++) { startSlice = floor((stack-1)/2)+1; allSlices = (stack > 0) && ((stack-2*floor(stack/2)) == 0); if (allSlices) allSlicesS = " stack"; else allSlicesS = ""; //print(stackTests[stack]+" allSlices="+toString(allSlices)+" startSlice="+toString(startSlice)); if (stack>0 || writeResults || anisotropic) nRot = 1; else nRot = nIsotropyTests; for (rot = 0; rot < nRot; rot++) { testNum = 0; for (type = 0; type < imageTypes; type++) if (bitSet(flags,type)) { for (selection = 0; selection < 3; selection++) { //print(" type="+type+" selection="+selection+", isotropy test="+rot); rotateRoi(rot, measure, measureR); rotateRoi(rot, rect, rectR); rotateRoi(rot, oval, ovalR); selectImage(imageID[rot*imageTypes+type]); run("Duplicate...", "title=test"); makeRectangle(measureR[0],measureR[1],measureR[2],measureR[3]); getStatistics(area, meanIn, minIn, maxIn, std, histogram); run("Select None"); if (stack >0) { // create a stack //make all slices equal if only one should be processed to detect unwanted processing. //make other slices blank when processing all to detect slice confusion if (allSlices) run("Cut"); else run("Copy"); run("Add Slice"); if (!allSlices) run("Paste"); run("Add Slice"); if (!allSlices) run("Paste"); setSlice(startSlice); if (allSlices) run("Paste"); } if (allSlices) setSlice(4-startSlice); //try processing a slice different from the current one if (selection == 1) makeRectangle(rectR[0],rectR[1],rectR[2],rectR[3]); else if (selection == 2) makeOval(ovalR[0],ovalR[1],ovalR[2],ovalR[3]); inputImage = getImageID(); run(taskParts[0], taskParts[1]+allSlicesS); if (verbose) print("run("+taskParts[0]+", \""+taskParts[1]+allSlicesS+"\"); "+getWidth+"x"+getHeight+"x"+nSlices+"x"+bitDepth); makeRectangle(measureR[0],measureR[1],measureR[2],measureR[3]); if (allSlices) setSlice(startSlice); getStatistics(area, mean, min, max, std, histogram); if (writeResults) { outLine = outLine+toString(mean)+","+toString(min)+","+toString(max)+","; if (abs(mean-meanIn)<0.000001 && abs(min-minIn)<0.000001 && abs(max-maxIn)<0.000001) failNoChange(taskParts[0],type,selection); } else { meanR = parseFloat(results[3*testNum]); minR = parseFloat(results[3*testNum+1]); maxR = parseFloat(results[3*testNum+2]); //print(taskParts[0]+" mean="+toString(mean)+" expected="+toString(meanR)); if (abs(mean-meanR)>0.0001) fail(taskParts[0],type,rot,selection,stack,mean,meanR,"mean"); if (abs(min-minR)>0.0001) fail(taskParts[0],type,rot,selection,stack,min,minR,"min"); if (abs(max-maxR)>0.0001) fail(taskParts[0],type,rot,selection,stack,max,maxR,"max"); if (stack==0 && selection==0) { corner = getCorner(rot); if (rot == 0) cornerPixel[type] = corner; else if (abs(corner-cornerPixel[type]) > 0.0001) fail(taskParts[0],type,rot,selection,stack,corner,cornerPixel[type],"cornerPixel"); } if (stack >0 && !separateOutput) { for (slice = 1; slice<=3; slice++) if (slice!=startSlice) { setSlice(slice); getStatistics(area, mean, min, max, std, histogram); if (abs(mean-meanR)<0.000001 && abs(min-minR)<0.000001 && abs(max-maxR)<0.000001) failOver(taskParts[0],type,selection,stack,slice); } } //if output is stack if (stack == 0 && !separateOutput &&! noUndo) { run("Undo"); getStatistics(area, mean, min, max, std, histogram); if (abs(mean-meanIn)>0.000001 || abs(min-minIn)>0.000001 || abs(max-maxIn)>0.000001) failUndo(taskParts[0],type,selection); } } // if writeResults else close(); if (separateOutput) { selectImage(inputImage); close(); } testNum ++; } // for selection } // for type } // for rot (isotropy test) if (writeResults) print (outFile, outLine); } // for stack progress++; showProgress(progress, progressAll); } // if not comment } // for iTask cleanup(imageID); restoreSettings(); setBatchMode("exit and display"); if (writeResults) { File.close(outFile); ok = File.delete(macroDir+resultsFile); //delete old results file and replace by new dummy = File.rename(macroDir+resultsFile+".tmp", macroDir+resultsFile); showStatus("PlugInFilterTester writing done"); } else { if (success) doneS = " successful"; else doneS = ": errors"; beep; showStatus("FilterTester"+doneS+" ("+d2s((getTime-startTime)/1000,2)+" seconds)"); wait(2000); } function fail(task, type, rot, selection, stack, val, valR, what) { print("FAIL: "+task+" type="+types[type]+isotropyTests[rot]+" select="+selections[selection]+", "+stackTests[stack]+": "+what+"="+toString(val)+" expected="+toString(valR)); success = false; } function failOver(task, type, selection, stack, slice) { print("FAIL: "+task+" type="+types[type]+" select="+selections[selection]+", "+stackTests[stack]+": slice "+slice+" overwritten"); success = false; } function failUndo(task, type, selection) { print("FAIL: Undo of "+task+" type="+types[type]+" select="+selections[selection]); success = false; } function failNoChange(task, type, selection) { print("WARNING: "+task+" type="+types[type]+" select="+selections[selection]+" changes nothing, stack tests will fail ('overwritten')"); success = false; } function cleanup(imageID) { for (i = 0; i < lengthOf(imageID); i++) { selectImage(imageID[i]); close(); } } function bitSet(number,bitNum) { mask = 1; for (i=0; i