&args C /* plots classified ritical rainfalls grids: e.g. qust2c &ty Called with mandatory argument of %C%. /* The following colors should look the same on 8- and 24-bit displays shadecolor cmyk 80 80 80 0; shadeput 1 /* dark gray shadecolor cmyk 0 100 100 0; shadeput 2 /* red shadecolor cmyk 0 0 100 0; shadeput 3 /* yellow shadecolor cmyk 40 0 100 0; shadeput 4 /* green shadecolor cmyk 100 0 0 0; shadeput 5 /* cyan shadecolor cmyk 100 20 20 0; shadeput 6 /* dark blue shadecolor cmyk 4 0 20 0; shadeput 7 /* offwhite shadecolor cmyk 4 0 20 0; shadeput 8 /* offwhite shadecolor cmyk 0 0 0 0; shadeput 9 /* white (for GNDS) /* shadesave stability units page pagesize 8.5 11 textq kern textfont 'univers' mapex qust%C%c maplimits .5 .5 6.67 10.25 gridnodatasymbol 9 textcolor black linecolor black gridshade qust%C%c patch 4.8 .0 7.33 3.05 units map units page textj lc move 3.66 8.7 textsize .2 text [quote Critical rainfall for cohesion = %C% kPascal] textsize .22 move 0.8 9.23 /* text 'based on divergent flow routing' textj ll &s xpos 4.9 ; &s ypos 2.8 &s dx .5 &s dxp .6 &s dy .2 &s dy2 .25 move %xpos% [calc %ypos% + .05] text 'mm/day' &s tstring1 'Uncon. unstable' /* 'rock' &s tstring2 ' 0 - 50' &s tstring3 '50 - 100' &s tstring4 '100 - 200' &s tstring5 '200 - 400' &s tstring6 ' > 400' &s tstring7 'Uncon. stable' /* 'Slope too low' /* In this case, the index is the symbol number &s index 1 &do shadsym &list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 shadesymbol %shadsym% patch %xpos% [calc %ypos% - %dy%] [calc %xpos% + %dx%] %ypos% move [calc %xpos% + %dxp%] [calc %ypos% - .2] /* text [value tstring%index%] text [value tstring%shadsym%] &s ypos %ypos% - %dy2% /* &s index [calc %index% + 1] &end