BS, Art and Design, Department of Architecture,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1972
MA, Printmaking, California State University at Chico, 1977
ORCID ID 0009-0006-9624-46927
Harvey Greenberg is experienced in computer applications in
geographic information systems, cartography and geology.
He has worked on standalone applications in Fortan, Pascal, and
POSTSCRIPT, but is now in the thrall of ESRI software.
Harvey favors python and aml, but maintains software in C, Fortran, and java.
He is experienced in program documentation, training, and support, and
management of linux and windows systems. He is experienced in the creation
of digital elevation models, their enhancement through drainage
enforcement, and DEM analysis. He maintains large web servers.
Harvey provides support for students and for research groups.
1980-81 Morgan-Fairchild
Computer cartography
Forensic graphics
1981-1983 University of Washington - Urban Transportation Program
Development of geographic data sets
Writing software for display of transportation data.
Writing software for calculation and display of urban form data
1983-1990 Northwest Cartography/Roy F.Weston
Development of an in-house geographic information system.
Geographical analyses for facility siting.
1990-1991 Geonex
UNIX system support
CAD-ARC/INFO data conversion
ARC/INFO programming and production
1991-present University of Washington - Department of Earth and Space Sciences
Geographical Information Systems
Geographical Database Management
ArcGIS and python programming in landscape and hydrological analysisa
Present: Working quarter-time in post-retirement mode.
Helping people on request, and keeping the plants watered.

Room 374 Johnson Hall
University of Washington
Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences
Box 351310
Seattle WA 98195 - 1310
Photo by Floyd (Who here remembers Floyd. That was a while ago.)
I am investigating the most appropriate
computer language for geomorphological work
sufficiently advanced technology, and
trying to
find a
map projection to suit me.
Personal Info
Zodiac sign: water bear. (Not water bearer. Water bear as in "Mercury is in tardegrade."
Favorite Ralph Carpenter quote of November, 2020: "The opera ain't over till Valhalla burns."