World WaterBodies

This is the world surface water body dataset created by NASA in conjunction with the version2 SRTM DEM. NASA distributes the data as one-degree shapefiles. It is available here as four large shapefiles: 277183482 zipped bytes, 1309470028-byte shore_ne.shp, etc. 396255714 zipped bytes, 1809050484-byte shore_nw.shp, etc. 86225971 zipped bytes, 382539656-byte shore_se.shp, etc. 96164903 zipped bytes, 589845568-byte shore_sw.shp, etc.

Some of the polygons are apparently too complex to be brought into SDE. How hard a problem is this? I think I could write an aml to split the complex polygons in a coverage, but I don't know how to do it with a shapefile.

Questions or answers? Ask Harvey Greenberg.

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Last real updatae 5/23/2006

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