ESS 320 | AIS 320 | ENVIR 320 Changing Rivers of Puget Sound

Spring 2011: Assignments and grading

Assignment due dates are listed on the course schedule. Any changes to assignments or due dates will be announced in class and on the course website.

 (1) Journal (30 points)

For each regular class meeting for which readings are assigned, create a journal entry following this format: (1) Identify a quote from the reading that seems representative of the meaning of the article. (2) Restate the quote in your own words. (3) Connect its meaning to other readings or to experiences or observations you have had during this class. Create a paragraph for each reading when there are multiple readings; remember to identify which reading you’re writing about. Each week’s entry should be 1-2 pages. For some class meetings a specific question will be given for you to respond to as an optional alternative to this format.
Grading: You will submit your journal, electronically, three times in the quarter. It will be graded credit/no credit. Credit will be given entries that reflect an appropriate level of thought and effort. Each of three electronic submissions will count toward 10 points (out of 100 for the course) of your grade.

(2) Field trips (20 points)

Several questions will be handed out at the end of both field trips. Because this course includes students with a range of backgrounds and interests, you will have a choice of several questions. Questions will emphasize broad concepts and synthesis of the ufield trip with other course content. Short, written answers, along with your field trip worksheet, are due the following Wednesday. Worksheets for field trips will be posted on the website.

: Your answers will be graded on whether you address the question and your statements are appropriately supported and clearly written.

(3) In-class lab exercises (20 points)

There are five structured lab exercises to be turned in at the end of class. The first lab will be completed outside of class and handed in at the following class. Lab worksheets will be posted on the website.

: Labs, mostly consisting of a series of short answers, will be graded on a scale of 1 to 4: 1: insufficient; 2: below average; 3: average; 4: above average.

 (4) Final presentation (30 points)

Working on your own or in a group of two, you will produce a poster on a topic of your choice. The last two class session will consist of a poster session, where you will be able to browse posters with poster authors stationed at their poster; this will be followed by a short (5 minute) presentation of your poster to the class. A summary and outline of your proposed topic is due by May 9th at the latest—you are encouraged to start sooner. You will be able to change your topic after this; the objective of submitting a proposal is to provide you with feedback on defining a topic and how to structure a poster. A regular class period will include a session on the format you are expected to follow in your poster and tips and resources on poster-making.

Guidelines for final presentation: PDF
