ESS 320 | AIS 320 | ENVIR 320 Changing Rivers of Puget Sound

Reading and additional resources

Week 1
: Assigned reading

Booth, D.B., R.A. Haugerud, and K.G. Troost. 2003. The geology of Puget Sound lowland rivers, Chapter 2 in: Montgomery, D.R., S. Bolton, D.B. Booth, and L. Wall (eds.),  Restoration of Puget Sound Rivers, University of Washington Press, Seattle, pp. 15-45. PDF

Nehlsen, W., J. A. Lichatowich.  2007. Pacific salmon: Life histories, diversity, productivity. Chapter 8 in: Schoonmaker, P.K., B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (eds.), Rainforests of Home, pp. 213-226. PDF

Week 1: Additional
reading and resources

Quinn, T. 2005. Introduction, Chapter 1 in: The behavior and ecology of Pacific Salmon and trout. University of Washington Press, pp. 3-36. PDF

Waples, R. S., G. R. Pess, T. Beechie. 2008. Evolutionary history of Pacific salmon in dynamic environments. Evolutionary Applications 1: 189-206. PDF

Haugerud, R. Animation of the last (Vashon) glaciation of the Puget Lowland: https://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/waterlines/glaciation.html

Inforain (website): https://www.inforain.org/

Week 2
: Assigned reading

Collins, B.D., and D. R. Montgomery. 2011. The legacy of Pleistocene glaciation and the organization of lowland alluvial process domains in the Puget Sound region, Geomorphology. PDF

Ludwin, R. S., C. P. Thrush, K. James, D. Buerge, C. Jonientz-Trisler, J. Rasmussen, K. Troost, and A. de los Angeles. 2005. Serpent spirit-power stories along the Seattle Fault. Seismological Research Letters 76: 426-431. PDF

Montgomery, D.R. 2007. The influences of geological processes on ecological systems. Chapter 3 in: Schoonmaker, P.K., B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (eds.), Rainforests of home, pp. 43-68. PDF

Week 2: Additional reading and resources

Beechie, T. J., B. D. Collins, G. R. Pess. 2001. Holocene and recent geomorphic processes, land use and salmonid habiat in two north Puget Sound river basins. In: J. B. Dorava, D. R. Montgomery, F. Fitzpatrick, and B. Palcsak, eds. Geomorphic processes and riverine habitat, American Geophysical Union, Washington, pp. 37-54. PDF

Schindler, D. E., M. D. Scheuerell, J. W. Moore, S. M. Gende, T. B. Francis, W. J. Palen. 2003. Pacific salmon and the ecology of coastal ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 31-37. PDF

Week 3: Assigned reading

Whitlock and Hebda. 1997. Environmental history, Chapter 9 in: Schoonmaker, P.K., B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (eds.), Rainforests of home, pp. 227-254. PDF

Suttles, W., Ames, K. 1997. Pre-European history, Chapter 10 in:  Schoonmaker, P.K., B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (eds.),
Rainforests of home, pp. 255-274. PDF

Pojar, J. Mackinnon, A. 1994. Introduction, in:
Plants of the Pacific Northwest, Lone Pine Publishing, pp. 11-27. PDF

Collins, B. D., D. R. Montgomery, and A. J. Sheikh. 2003. Reconstructing the historical riverine landscape of the Puget Lowland. Chapter 4 in: Montgomery, D.R., S. Bolton, D.B. Booth, and L. Wall (eds.), 
Restoration of Puget Sound rivers, University of Washington Press, Seattle, pp. 79-128. PDF

Week 3: Additional reading and resources

Butler, V. L., S. K. Campbell. 2004. Resource intensification and resource depression in the Pacific Northwest of North America: A zooarchaeological review. Journal of World Prehistory 18: 327-405. PDF

Egan, D., E. A. Howell. 2001. Introduction. In:
Egan, D., E. A. Howell (eds.), The historical ecology handbook: A restorationist's guide to reference ecosystems, pp. 1-23. PDF

April 16 field trip: Assigned reading

Snohomish Basin Salmon Recovery Forum. 2005. Executive summary, Snohomish River Basin salmon conservation plan. Snohomish County Department of Public Works, Surface Water Management Division, Everett, WA PDF

April 16 field trip: Additional reading and resources

Tulalip Tribes, 2010, Qwuloolt Restoration Project. PDF

Tanner, C. D., J. R. Cordell, J. Rubey, L. M. Tear. 2002. Restoration of freshwater intertidal habitat functions at Spencer Island, Everett, Washington. Restoration Ecology 10: 564-576. PDF

Bourgeois, J., S. Y. Johnson. 2001. Geologic evidence of earthquakes at the Snohomish delta, Washington, in the past 1200 yr. Geological Society of America Bulletin 113: 482-494. PDF

Week 4
: Assigned reading

Thrush, C., The Lushootseed peoples of Puget Sound Country, digital essay by Coll-Peter Thrush:

Week 5: Assigned reading

Chrzastowski, M. 1983. Historical changes to Lake Washington and route of the Lake Washington Ship Canal, King County, Washington. U. S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Open-File Report 81-1182 PDF

Klingle, 2005, Fluid dynamics: water, power, and the reengineering of Seattle’s Duwamish River, Journal of the American West 44: 22-29. PDF

Thrush, C. 2006. City of changers: Indigenous people and the transformation of Seattle’s watersheds, Pacific Historical Review 75: 89-117. PDF

April 30th field trip: Assigned reading

Thrush, C., and N. Thompson. 2007. An atlas of indigenous Seattle, in: Thrush, C., Native Seattle, histories from the crossing-over place, University of Washington Press, Seattle, pp. 209-255. PDF

April 30th field trip
: Additional reading and resources

Zehfuss, P.H., Atwater, B.F., Vallance, J.W., Brenniman, H., and Brown, T.A., 2003, Holocene lahars and their by-products along the historical path of the White River between Mount Rainier and Seattle, in Swanson, T.W., ed., Western Cordillera and adjacent areas, Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Field Guide 4, p. 209-223. PDF

Week 6:
Assigned reading

Morisset, M. D. and C. A. Summers. 2009. Clear passage: The culvert case decision as a foundation for habitat protection and preservation. Seattle Journal of Environmental Law & Policy Spring 2009: 29-63. PDF

Wilkinson, C. 2000. Nisqually River (Chapter 2), and George Hugo Boldt (Chapter 3) in: Messages from Frank's Landing. University of Washington Press, pp. 8-28. PDF

Treaty of Point Elliott:  https://nwifc.org/member-tribes/treaties/

Map of western Washington tribes and ceded areas: https://academic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/Western%20Washington%20BW.pdf

Week 6: Additional reading and resources

Cohen, F. G. 1986. The Boldt Decision: desecration or affirmation? Chapter 1 in: Treaties on trial. University of Washington Press, pp. 3-17. PDF

Gibbs, G. 1863. A dictionary of Chinook Jargon or trade language of Oregon. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. PDF

Isely, M. B. and American Friends Service Committee. 1970. Uncommon controversy; Fishing rights of the Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and Nisqually Indians. A report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee. University of Washington Press. Chapter 3 PDF Chapter 4 PDF

Blumm, M. C. and J. G. Steadman. 2009. Indian treaty rights and habitat protection: The Martinez Decision supplies a resounding judicial reaffirmation. Natural Resources Journal 49: 653-706. PDF

The Treaty Trail: U. S. Indian Treaty Councils in the Northwest. Washington State Historical Society (website).  https://stories.washingtonhistory.org/treatytrail/index.htm

Week 7:
Assigned reading

Beechie, T. J., Sear, D. A., Olden, J. A., Pess, G. R., Buffington, J. M., Moir, H., Roni, P., Pollock, M. M. 2010. Process-based principles for restoring river ecosystems. Bioscience 60: 209-222. PDF

Cronin, A., D. M. Ostergren. 2007. Tribal watershed management: Culture, science, capacity, and collaboration. American Indian Quarterly, 31: 87-109. PDF

Jamestown S'Kllalam Tribe. The restoration of Jimmy Come Lately Creek. Accessed March, 2011 from: https://www.jamestowntribe.org/programs/nrs/jcl-undevelopment.pdf PDF

Climate Impacts Group. 2009. Executive Summary, in: The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment, Center for Science in the Earth System, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans, University of Washington, Seattle, pp. 1-20. https://www.cses.washington.edu/db/pdf/wacciareport681.pdf or PDF

Week 7: Additional reading and resources

Senos, R., F. K. Lake, N. Turner, and D. Martinez. 2006. Traditional ecological knowledge and restoration practice. Chapter 17 in: Apostol, D., and M. Sinclair, eds., Restoring the Pacific Northwest: The art and science of ecological restoration in Cascadia. Island Press, pp. 393-424. PDF

Roni, P., Hanson, K., Beechie, T. 2008. Global review of the physical and biological effectiveness of stream habitat rehabilitation techniques. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 856-890. PDF

Montgomery, D. R., D. B. Booth, S. Bolton. 2003. Puget Sound rivers and salmon recovery. Chapter 1 in: Montgomery, D.R., S. Bolton, D.B. Booth, and L. Wall (eds.),  Restoration of Puget Sound rivers, University of Washington Press, Seattle, pp. 1-13. PDF

Spring 2010 Water Center Seminars 4/13, 4/20, 4/27

Battin, J., M.W. Wiley, M.H. Ruckelshaus, R.N. Palmer, E. Korb, K.K. Bartz, and H. Imaki. 2007. Projected impacts of climate change on salmon habitat restoration, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 6720-6725PDF

Whitely Binder, L. C., and 19 others. 2010 Preparing for climate change in Washington State. Climatic Change DOI 10.1007/s10584-010-9850-5. PDF

Climate Impacts Group. 2009.  The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment, Center for Science in the Earth System, Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Oceans, University of Washington, Seattle. (full report: PDF)

Week 8: Assigned reading

Brown, J. V. 2008. Tribes and watersheds in Washington State. Enduring Legacies Native Cases, The Evergreen State College, https://www.evergreen.edu/tribal/cases/home.htm.

Breslow, S. J. 2011. Salmon habitat restoration, farmland preservation and environmental drama in the Skagit River Valley. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle.

Week 9: Assigned reading

Somerville, T. D. 2009. Tribes and dams: Using Section 4(e) of the Federal Power Act to protect Indian tribes and restore reservation resources. Seattle Journal of Environmental Law & Policy Spring 2009: 122-133. PDF

Poff, N. L. and 7 others. 1997. The natural flow regime: A paradigm for river conservation and restoration. BioScience 47: 769-784. PDF

Lower Duwamish Waterway Group, 2010. Executive Summary, Draft Final Feasibility Study, Lower Duwamish Waterway, Seattle, Washington. PDF

Week 9: Additional reading and resources

Poff, N. L., and 8 others. 2003. River flows and water wars: emerging science for environmental decision making. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 1: 298-306. PDF

Richter, B. D. and G. A. Thomas. 2007. Restoring environmental flows by modifying dam operations. Ecology and Society 12.

Cushman Project FERC Project No. 460. Settlement Agreement for the Cushman Project. January 12, 2009. PDF

General resources

Klingle, M. 2007. Emerald City: An environmental history of Seattle. Yale University Press, New Haven.

Montgomery, D.R., S. Bolton, D.B. Booth, and L. Wall (eds.)  2003.
Restoration of Puget Sound rivers, University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Naiman, R. J., and R. E. Bilby (eds.). 1998. River ecology and management: Lessons from the Pacific Coastal ecoregion. Springer, New York.

Schoonmaker, P.K., B. von Hagen, and E.C. Wolf (eds.) 1997. 
Rainforests of home, Island Press, Washington.

Thrush, C. 2007. Native Seattle: Histories from the crossing-over place. University of Washington Press, Seattle.

Wilkinson, C. 2000. Messages from Frank's Landing: A Story of salmon, treaties, and the Indian Way. University of Washington Press.